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Question about using SOTW & TOG


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I plan on beginning Ancient History when my oldest is in 1st grade. I really like the looks of TOG, but it seems like overkill for one grammar-stage student, so I'm thinking I'll just use SOTW w/the Activity Guide for her first couple of years. Then, my 2nd will be joining us, and I'd really like to combine history for them. If, at that point, we're liking the homeschooling thing and think we'll be continuing on at least to middle school, I was planning on getting TOG (instead of the Activity Guide). Am I right that SOTW 3 and the activity guide are going to be geared more to a 3rd grader (and SOTW 4 for a 4th grader)? Would TOG be a help in finding resources for covering the same period for my younger one?


However, now I'm noticing that SOTW and TOG are paced very differently. So, if we were starting SOTW 3 when my girls are in 3rd/1st grades, we'd actually need TOG 2 for most of the year (maybe just getting into the beginning of TOG 3 at the end of the year)... is that right? Then what would I do? Race through TOG 3 & 4 at the pace of SOTW 4 the next year?


Do you follow? Any ideas? Who has used both together?

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I think it may be more helpful to think of using 1 TOG Year Plan per year and then that schedules SOTW in when appropriate, instead of doing it vice versa.


I know a lot of people will do SOTW (which I believe has additional resources listed in the AG?) the first rotation and then use TOG 2nd & 3rd rotation.) I think TOG schedules SOTW on your 2nd rotation...


(I don't really know what I'm talking about, but just b/c you haven't gotten any other responses. TOG has a forum, too.)

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We just started SoTW3--and that breakdown above seems right. My third grader is challenged by the material--and the fifth grader is fine. So, keep in mind that for some, SoTW3 in third grade may be a bit too much. You'll have to see. (The end of SoTW2 starts getting more complex and detailed--it was leaving my poor third grader quite behind on days she was tired--just couldn't remember a thing. It'll be a good guide.)

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