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Proud Mama Alert

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He is currently enrolled in Seton Home Study. It has helped a great deal with Grammar and Latin skills but I think most of his success is attributed to large amount of reading. He started reading at four and hasn't stopped yet. It has been years since he has had a conversation at the dinner table because his nose is always in a book.


In his elementary years we mostly did Sonlight. It wasn't until 6th grade that I found out about a classical education and did things like latin, outlining and one science disciplines at a time.


The only thing he has never been above grade level with is mathematics. He didn't score bad (a 27) but it was his lowest. I honestly wish that we had never done Saxon math (it was just not a good fit.) I must plug the Dive CD's because they have helped a great deal. Since he is only part way through algebra II so, he should show a noticeable improvement next year when he tests again.


We also have tested every year since he was in 2nd grade. I used the information gained from the tests to plan the following years curriculum choices. If say he scored poorly in government I would make sure we added that in. I would also take the test and lay them out from year to year to see if I could spot any longer term trends. I remember that sources of information was always a trouble area.


Oh, and just so you don't think he is perfect he took two years to complete the 9th grade! He was just too immature to get his work load done in a timely manner. I now set up dead lines for each and every assignment, place them on the calendar and don't let him out of the house until he is up-to- date.



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