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Alicia and Melissa B (or anyone who knows about fountain pens,dipping ink & the like)

Melinda S in TX

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I saw in another thread you mentioned using fountain pens with quick drying ink and offset pens. Can you tell me more about this? Where to buy them and what to look for?


My 11dd is very interested in "writing pretty" as she calls it. She likes to do quilling and make cards. Pretty writing would be an extension of that hobby. Fountain pens and offset pens with dipping ink are very intriguing to her right now, but I don't even know where to begin. Any advice would be appreciated.




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Hi Melinda,


Sorry I missed your post the first time around.


I have found that fountain pens seem to be a matter of taste. Or it could be that some pens work better than others depending on how you hold them.


So, it is trial and error, in choosing a pen. Because dd11 and I are lefties we use a fine point (nib) which writes thinner and dries faster, but in general is not as smooth. Different people will say different pens work better so I really don't know what to say there. I use a low end Waterman with a fine nib and I really like it. I bought dd11 a cheaper pen, but with a fine nib and it seems to work for her (but she hasn't tried any others to have an opinion.) I can't remember what brand she has, but I'll try and remember to ask her tomorrow.


Many people prefer a medium rather than a fine because it moves smoother and therefore faster. The disposable fountain pens Spy Car mentioned have a really good reputation so you may want to start there. I think I will try them for dd9 who is interested in improving her handwriting, now that her older sister's looks so nice.


(Sorry, I've never tried the dipping ink.)

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Sorry I missed you before, I am in New Zealand where we are one day ahead but 6 hours behind Eastern Time Zone.

I will look in my email for the info, the online companies I use to order from. I have young children so I tend to keep things as close to $5 as possible, which is cheap for a fountain pen. Is your daughter a lefty or righty? Does she like colors, long pens/pencils or short ones. Does she like the Japanese animation; neat or still clumsy, perfectionist or relaxed? Sorry for all the questions, just dont want to suggest something that might not be useful. Do you want to stay under $10, $20, $100?



Alicia in NZ

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I can't remember what brand she has, but I'll try and remember to ask her tomorrow.
I would appreciate it if you could ask her.


Many people prefer a medium rather than a fine because it moves smoother and therefore faster.


I think a medium might be good for her to try. She tends to be a perfectionist, so smoother and faster might be good.



The disposable fountain pens Spy Car mentioned have a really good reputation so you may want to start there.
I'll look these up.


Thanks for taking the time to reply.



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I will look in my email for the info, the online companies I use to order from.
That would be nice. I like to order online as much as possible.


Is your daughter a lefty or righty?



Does she like colors, long pens/pencils or short ones.
She would like some colors for making cards, but also wants black for just regular writing. She has a journal that she copies quotes and sayings in, that she would like black ink for. And she likes long pens/pencils.


Does she like the Japanese animation; neat or still clumsy, perfectionist or relaxed?
Dd is not into Japanese animation. She is neat and somewhat of a perfectionist.


Do you want to stay under $10, $20, $100?


Under $100 definitely. Other than that, whatever we need to spend. It would be nice if we could get several less expensive things so she could try them out and when she finds what works, we could buy something more expensive. But, on the other hand, we don't want to buy something that won't work well and will only frustrate her.



Thanks for the help.



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Sorry I took so long to respond, holiday weekend here. In any case this is the company I use the most. I have never had a problem with billing, shipping or sending the wrong product.They ship very quickly and everything has always been well packaged. Please let me know if I can be of any more help, also send PM that way I will find it quickly, the board moves so fast sometimes!


http://www.jetpens.com/ the homepage

I would suggest buying one of each, not the multipacks to start. Fountain pen selection is VERY personal, kind of like backing a football team. People are very opinionated. Try a variety for cheap and see what works. Buy nice ink colors, they are cheap and makes grammar work look happy.:001_smile:


I use these for myself but also for the kids, they are the ones mentioned by SpyCar: Pilot Varsity & Vpen Disposable Fountain Pens


These are shorter and easier on the hand. I like them for small hands as the physics of it just makes sense. HWT also uses small pencils for small hands. Not too skinny or heavy, nice colors, not juvenile. Pilot Petit1 Mini Fountain Pens


I found these to be a waste after buying the others. The quality is "lesser" maybe because it is a youth pen? Not worth it for the cost savings, just buy the regular in this line. Pelikan Pelikano Junior Fountain Pens





Alicia in New Zealand

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*GASP* I just remembered that not only do I have a cartridge fountain pen (which I remembered the other day) but I also have a dipping pen with a variety of nibs!!! Oh my goodness, how did I completely forget all of these?!?!!? Okay, I need to go buy some cartridges and some ink... I might even still have a bottle of ink, but it's probably dried out by now (10 years). I'll look for a different pen for DD though. I can't fathom a 5 year old drying to dip a pen into a bottle of ink... lol... and my cartridge pen is not a fine point.


Thanks for the advice!:)

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