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Has anyone used a prescription progesterone cream?

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My dr. prescribed a topical cream from a compounding pharmacy. I can't really find info, except for products that you can buy OTC.


Did you have side effects?


She's suspicious of a few different things (insulin resistance and that my thyroid medication needs to be upped), so I can't remember what specific symptoms prompted the progesterone cream.

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My dr. prescribed a topical cream from a compounding pharmacy. I can't really find info, except for products that you can buy OTC.


Did you have side effects?


She's suspicious of a few different things (insulin resistance and that my thyroid medication needs to be upped), so I can't remember what specific symptoms prompted the progesterone cream.


I did. It was actually very, very similar to the over-the-counter products I had used on my own. It cost the same to get OTC but was much easier to get (didn't have to make a special trip to the compounding pharmacy), so I just switched back to OTC.


I had no side effects. I think it is unusual to have side effects from progesterone in cream form, perhaps because it's next to impossible to overdose that way.

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She probably ordered it by perscription so that she could regulate the dosage -- the concentration of the progesterone in the cream. Not all OTC compounds are equal, and they aren't regulated. Most brands tell you the concentration of the progesterone in the product. But, with unknown shelf-life, and unknown manufacturing/packaging/storage techniques, you don't really know exactly what you're getting.With a perscription, you know exactly what you're getting, and your doctor will be able to monitor your response to it. It's wonderful that your doctor is using natural progesterone, rather than an artificial progestin. Perhaps, after you use the compounded cream for awhile, and you've gotten yourself regulated, you could switch to a reputable OTC brand.

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My dr. prescribed a topical cream from a compounding pharmacy. I can't really find info, except for products that you can buy OTC.


Did you have side effects?


She's suspicious of a few different things (insulin resistance and that my thyroid medication needs to be upped), so I can't remember what specific symptoms prompted the progesterone cream.


I've been taking it since last September and I can only say that I notice no negative side effects. I think it's supposed to make you feel more balanced in many ways. I sure feel better with it than without it. Mine also comes from a compound pharmacy. It's supposedly the closest to what our bodies manufacture and I sure prefer this over any synthetic pill.



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