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Classical Conversations

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Here is an email that I share when someone ask about CC -----


I'd like to describe for you my experience and how I use CC. Keep in mind that as home schools and philosophies differ - what works for me may not be the same for you.


Classical Conversations Foundations is based on a 3 year rotation. This year we are working on cycle 3; next year, cycle 1 will begin again. Each morning our group comes together for morning announcements, prayer, pledge, and family presentation. Families rotate through presentations - roughly, it is three minutes to share anything you would like with the group.


After the group meeting everyone is released to their age-appropriate classes. During the class, each tutor models with the children the week's memory work. Memory work is broken down into the following: 8 timeline cards, a history sentence, math facts, grammar rules, Latin, geography,and science fact. The tutor models how to memorize the weeks work. In addition, the children work on a science project,fine arts project and review previously learned memory work each week. This schedule runs from 9:10-12:00 pm. After class we have a family-style lunch and chaperoned play time.


The afternoon portion of CC is called Essentials. Essentials is for advanced 3rd graders-6th graders. An advanced child would be a student that is comfortable with reading and ready to form sentences. This year December is attending the Essentials class, but Lily is in afternoon childcare - next year both girls will attend afternoon class. Essentials has the following format: grammar (45 minutes), math game (20 minutes), writing (using Institute for Excellence in Writing). Like Foundations, memorization is at the core. Once a student has memorized the roles nouns can have, they are then able to apply their knowledge and increase their writing skills.


After attending a weekly class, the girls practice and apply what the tutors presented.


At home this is how I implement CC:


Each day the girls review their new memory work. Most of the time we do memory work together, but on occasion I work separately with the girls. CC also creates an audio memory cd that we listen to in the car.

Two or three times a week we practice the weeks geography lesson. I have a couple of laminated maps that the girls mark with dry erase markers. We usually work this together. They'll locate new areas that we learned in class, then review previously learned geographical locations.

The above takes about 30 minutes of daily review and drill. I love that the kids are able to do this together. My time is valuable and streamlining is important.



In addition, December has Essentials material to complete during the week.

Vocabulary words from writing are studied daily.

Grammar mastery sheets (memory work) are reviewed.

Spelling, dictation, and analyzing model sentences are completed 3 times a week.

Brainstorming, writing, and editing history-related topics


Because Lily is younger, my focus with her is different. She is quite capable of memorizing the same information as December, but I don't have her complete any writings. At her level, being exposed to good literature and copy work is what I require. Next year, I'll be able to streamline even more. They will learn the same "essentials" of grammar, but at different levels.


To make a well-rounded and complete day we add math (daily), listen to Story of the World cd's, read and discuss God's Word, and read library books that correlate with our science/history memory work.


The goal of CC (and my own personal goal as well) is to take these memorized pieces of information and dig deeper. Learn to research, record, and share findings of why things happen and who key figures were.


I can't recommend CC enough, but its not for the faint of heart. If a person wants a completely laid out text-book approach to learning, there are other programs out there. If a drop-off co-op makes your heart pitter-patter, keep looking. Classical Conversations is designed to be a hands-on approach; often times its a hand-holding approach when you need advice and encouragement from a like-minded family that may have already been there, done that.

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This is great. Can I use it? I want you in Oregon:-) You do an additional coop with different families? Does that have memory work/ outside work, as well??


Just for those who may be curious; this is the time to see if there are Open Houses happening in your area, information meetings are happening now, and practicums are just happening now.... http://classicalconversations.com/ Click on your state and you can see some of what's happening. Feel free to pm me if you want help finding out what's brewing for the area you are in....


Edited by NayfiesMama
PS...I don't get any $$$ for this:-)
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