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How much grammar


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Sorry to be so unsure about all this.


How much grammar is enough? TWTM recommends all the way through to 12th grade. That was my experience in school too. I'm coming across quite a few grammar programs that stop at 7th or 8th grade.


Would you just ditch grammar or go with a specific high school curriculum?

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I don't have plans to use a grammar curriclum beyond 8th grade. Hopefully, it will be drilled into the brains of my dear children by then!


Our Mother Tongue is a very good resource book that also includes exercises to teach the rules of grammar. At this point, I will probably consider OMT if needed during the HS years.

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My entire Australian education in grammar at school was: nouns (proper and common), adjectives, verbs, and the use of " " , . ? ! I vaguely remember learning past, present, future and that there were irregular and regular verbs, though I think that might have been once I started to learn French.


My theory is that the first third of Shurley English has covered more than this already.


I was blown away when I went to France and studied year 10 there. They were doing tenses like past perfect in English classes and I just couldn't work it out. If it happened in the past, it was the past, right? I actually only just scraped through English class in Year 10 in France because my knowledge of grammar was so poor.


This is a really long winded way of saying that I think kids really need to learn grammar and I'm going to make sure my kids know it well. However, the caveat is that I still did pretty well without it so I'm not going to feel that I've failed them if they do not know every grammatical intricacy. They will still know much much more than what they would have learnt in the system.

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I continued it with my older son through ninth grade. He decided to return to a private high school in tenth grade and they do very little grammar (and very little writing) there, even though it's *supposed* to be a *good* school.


I really think it helps to build strong writers and that the more of it they have under their belt, the longer they will retain good writing abilities even if they go through a period of time when they're not using those skills much, as my son is now.


So I would continue it, at least to some extent, as long as possible. I might not work a book cover to cover, but I'd get as much done as I could reasonably fit in.

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