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Man, this ticks me off!

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My stupid neighbors are bugging my wonderful elderly neighbor for money again!! The stupid neighbors are a 16 year old girl, her 22 year old boyfriend and their baby (they all live with her mom). They use the baby to make my elderly neighbor feel bad. They all smoke, I see them drinking beer on the front porch; I know they aren't using that money to "buy medicine for the baby". It ticks me off and I can't stop it!:rant:

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Most city/states have laws to protect "preying on the elderly". You might try contacting either Social Services or look in your phone book for a council for the elderly and see if they could come out and investigate. We called when one of our neighbors was being taken advantage of by her nephew....he moved himself in against her wishes, started taking her car for the entire day making her sit in her home instead of getting out to be with her friends, but when she told us that he had taken her checking account and drained it, that was the final straw for us. She had come over asking if she could please invite herself to dinner as she hadn't eaten in 2 days because the fridge was empty and she'd eaten everything in the cupboards the week before (and I checked and there was literally not enough to make a poor man's meal in the house!). They came and spoke with her at our house, then the police came and arrested the nephew for grand theft and some law about preying on the elderly. Sadly he didn't get any jail time for his abuse, but he was ordered to pay her back the money he took and extra for her pain/suffering and he is not allowed to contact her or come within a block of her home for 3 years. He got long term probation so if he misses a payment or shows up he WILL go to jail.


It doesn't sound like your case is nearly as bad, but it could eventually get much worse than just a little money here or there. And of course, you only know the parts she's willing to tell you......often elderly are so embarassed to have trusted someone and been taken that they don't talk about it so it isn't discovered until the situation is grim.


I pray that your neighbor is not to that point, and hope that you will at least ask the experts to check on her. It could be no big deal and she's fine, or you could be saving her from some very rough times.


ok...back to lurking and learning, lol.

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I have seen this post before. Is it an accidental re-post or do they just keep using the same tactic?



Good memory! This is more of the same from the same horrible people. The bad neighbors had a small house fire and the whole family moved out (only temporary, it looks like:glare:). I went to visit my elderly neighbor today and we were discussing the construction going on at the house. That is when she mentioned that they had been back to her house since the fire. I told her (again) that they will just keep coming back if she keeps giving them money.


The fire is a whole other story. The mom of the 16 year old was babysitting a 5 year old. We heard all the noise, saw the fire and ran outside. The mom was standing in my front yard so I went to talk to her and see if I could help. She said, "I told him and told him to leave that lighter alone. He kept playing with the lighter and I guess he caught my bed on fire":banghead:. They are renters so the whole neighborhood hoped they would find a new place to live while the house was under repair. Doesn't look like it.

Edited by Moxie
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