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Hello all! I have enjoyed reading a few of the posts here and just know you can help me. We currently live in So. Cal. and my kids go to a charter school 2 days a week and home 3. The school loosely follows WTM/classical education model. We are moving and will completely homeschool starting next year. I am trying to plan my curriculum now so I have plenty of time to buy my books. Here is what I am loosely planning on doing next year and my questions:


DS 5th: Saxon 7/6, Easy Grammar, SOTW for history w/ some supplements, lapbook/unit studies for science, rosetta stone spanish, misc. art,


DS 1st: Saxon 2, not sure on reading/grammar yet, SOTW, lapbook/unit studies with older brother for science, some spanish, misc. art, literature w/activities


Here are my questions: What should I do for reading w/1st grader? He is currently doing SSRW. Also, I need a good spelling program for my oldest. Right now we are just using scholastic workbooks. Also, I will be doing my own literature projects. My oldest will be journaling or reporting on his books while my youngest will be doing hands on projects.


Any suggestions on rounding this out? I do need to go back and read WTM again. It has been awhile. Thanks for your input!



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A lot of people like AAS. It's a good program with very detailed instructions, although a bit expensive.


If you want something easy for the first part of your move while you're busy unpacking, they could watch my online spelling lessons and phonics lessons (phonics lessons linked below). The Spelling lessons for your oldest, the phonics lessons for reading for the youngest, but they could both watch both of them, there is spelling in the phonics lessons as well.




Here are some cheap and free spelling resources:




And here are my recommendations for Reading, right now my favorite is Webster's Speller, it's amazingly powerful--I've tried about 20 different phonics programs, and it's the best I've found so far. (Webster's Speller linked below, here's a thread about it: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=70153)



Edited by ElizabethB
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If you do grammar with your 1st grader I recommend First Language Lessons (We are loving it! It is extremely fun and gentle, but gives them a great start.) or Language Lessons for the Very Young (it is a little gentler on the grammar but more rich on the literature aspect.


Elizabeth covered the spelling! I am happy with mine, but it does have a learning curve.

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Welcome to our "community"!


For reading, are you looking for phonics program suggestions, or reading program suggestions?


My 4th grader is a very strong reader so I really just need grammar with him. My Kindergartener is starting to read with SSRW this year. So, I am assuming I will not need another phonics program but an early reading program. I think SSRW makes another year of it. I guess that is what I will do if I can't find anything better. I really am lost on reading programs:)


Thanks for the suggestions so far. I can tell you guys are going to help me A LOT this year! :lol:

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My 4th grader is a very strong reader so I really just need grammar with him. My Kindergartener is starting to read with SSRW this year. So, I am assuming I will not need another phonics program but an early reading program. I think SSRW makes another year of it. I guess that is what I will do if I can't find anything better. I really am lost on reading programs:)


I would continue SSRW for phonics.


For a reading program you have a lot of options! It depends on his reading level. We tried Sonlight readers with DD and she only liked half of them. She loved the suggestions at tanglewood . I got a public school text when she was done with those and I am really happy with it. We also read a little above her level and take turns reading. TWTM suggests that their reading coincide with their history studies and has some listed in TWTM. Others are probably in the SOTW activity guide.

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Hi Carly,


I think your plan looks great! Do you know what you plan to do in the area of composition? I did see that you mentioned journaling and book reports.


You have many options. You could do copywork, dictation, and oral and/or written narrations as well as a curriculum if you wanted to beef it up for your eldest. There are many great programs out there, but we recently settled on IEW. You're probably familiar with the myriad of curricula if you've been lurking though. :)


Welcome to the Hive!



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I think your plan looks great! Do you know what you plan to do in the area of composition? I did see that you mentioned journaling and book reports.


Might I suggest that you get some direction on teaching composition from Writing Without Fear? Also, just starting out, it may be good to get this one as well: If I Could Do It Over Again by Jessie Wise.

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Might I suggest that you get some direction on teaching composition from Writing Without Fear? Also, just starting out, it may be good to get this one as well: If I Could Do It Over Again by Jessie Wise.


Thanks for your suggestions. There is so much I need to learn before next year starts! I know we are doing a ton of summarizing this year for comp. I guess I will need some kind of curriculum to follow. I am not confident we would write enough with it. I will check out all the suggestions. Keep them coming!



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