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weaving and kids

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I was wondering what advice or suggestions anyone could give about weaving. I was considering getting my dd 7 a weaving loom for her next project. I was comparing the potholder loom and then a more traditional yarn and string loom which are both currently on sale at a local store. So at first I was wondering if I should go with the easiest to learn or the one that is most like a traditional loom. But then I found some information on making your own looms using cardboard, oatmeal boxes, and other things. (http://www.montessoriworld.org/handwork has great resources!) So, what experiences have others had? FWIW, I don't know how to weave but am looking forward to learning right along with dd.

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At that same age, my dd won a blue ribbon at the fair for a placemat and coaster set that she made with her loom. It is pretty much the size of a placemat and has white plastic pegs at each end to which the warp is secured. It was pretty easy for her to use and make a colorful striped pattern. We did need to add a wide toothed sturdy comb for her to pack the weft yarn as she was weaving it, but other than that, the kit was fine.

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information on making your own looms using cardboard, oatmeal boxes, and other things.


We are doing a variety of colonial crafts along with our lessons. One craft was a small loom made out of a stiff piece of paper.


Ds here really enjoyed the weaving. Then a couple weeks later, as I'm making breakfast, I see that they're cutting apart a cardboard box to make larger looms to work with.


So, you can definitely work very simply. You can even weave on tree branches and things, but if you think you'll enjoy it, I'd buy a nice little loom to learn together. Skip the potholder thing, it's too limiting.

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