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Daughter w/poor behavior scheduled appt w/neuropsychologist and various tests


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My 9 1/2 yo dd had a seizure 2 years ago, 2007. That year was filled with seizures. Thankfully in 2008 we didn't see any. She's been seizure free since 2/5/08!!! PTL!


However, she has serios, and I MEAN SERIOUS behavior problems. Some days a little princess: kind, loving, engaging, obedient, thoughtful, respectful, motivated, calm, etc. Other days opposite: complete defiance, no initiative, not focused, hyper with jumping up/down, running in place, lying, hiding, spending 30 min in bathroom to avoid schooling, physical towards us, verbal assault towards dh and I too, excessive talking/weird talk, etc. I suppose I've been in denial over treating yet another condition. :glare: Anyone else been there? But, it is persistent and unrelenting. So, for her sake and our sanity we are scheduling an appt. with the neuropsychologist. They will run several components in their evaluation.


Her neurologist is suggesting the eval by the neuropsychologist. I talked with the neuropsychologist by phone Wed. and he seems nice. He said to call him by his first name!


Here's the kicker. Why am I just now understanding these things? Sometimes when I read the posts from others on the board they seem to be in another sphere in terms of terminologies related to terminologies....it's hard to explain. I reason that they have older kids and have studied more and my current status of teaching a 4th grader.


I just learned that the homeschool test is designed to test "performance" in other words what they have already learned. An IQ test is designed to test the "ability of child to learn and piece concepts together". Where have I been?? :confused: I've been assuming my child has a decent IQ because she knows her subjects....math is her weakness (because her annual homeschool test scored it as such).


Dr. S said the test will take 2/3 - 1 day! With lots of breaks and a lunch break. It seems it will be totally exhausting for her, so we'll take a Friday off from h'school and the test will be that day for her to recuperate Sat.


Is there anything I should know before the eval date?


OK, just had to vent. Have a good day! Sheryl

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When are you going to the neuropsych? The tests are long but generally fun for the child as there is a lot of different activities, breaks, etc. Bring some healthy snacks along and plan for her to get a good night's sleep the night before.


I would write down what you said before--esp. about how some days are great and others are terrible behavior wise. Try to write down a developmental history--when she did what--roll, sit, crawl, walk, talk, potty train, etc. Then write down ANY and ALL concerns you have--no matter how minor they might seem. The more pieces to the puzzle the neuropsych has the better.


Hope this helps.

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