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My oldest dd has been sick a lot lately. She had bronchitis

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two weeks before Christmas and now she has the flu. We've been using Ester C to boost her immunity since the fall. She eats a pretty clean diet, probably could eat more fruit, but she doesn't eat junk food. She's trying to lose 10-15 lbs., so she's careful of what she is eating. We made it through the fall without anybody getting sick around here. The rest of us caught a cold after her bout with bronchitis, but we were over it w/in a few days. What supplements should we use to boost the immunity system to get through the next few months? I'm also thinking a liver cleanse would be good for her. She was on an antibiotic back in Dec. She took a probiotic then also.


Thanks for your advice!

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I use a probiotic for my girls EVERY day. They have immune deficiencies and this has really helped them. They take the supremadophillus from https://www.houston-enzymes.com/store/product.php?c=12. They also take Omega Brites http://www.omegabrite.com but I don't know if they help with immune stuff or not.

Edited by Ottakee
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