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Read Aloud or Save For Independent Reading?

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Some of the books that I do as read-alouds my dd takes away to read to herself. These are books that she wouldn't pick up on her own but she will read them if she has already heard them. This is a child that likes to read her favourite books tens of times though.

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Some of the books that I do as read-alouds my dd takes away to read to herself. These are books that she wouldn't pick up on her own but she will read them if she has already heard them. This is a child that likes to read her favourite books tens of times though.


Thanks. My kids don't know how to read yet but I think they would like the stories.

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My dd 5.5 years old just started to read Frog and Toad and Mouse Tales. We own both and had read them to her many times before because she loves them. When she got to the point where she was ready to read these books independently, I think knowing the story already really helped her to be able to read them more successfully. It gives her a little ego boost to read a book that I once had to read to her. She doesn't see it as a "baby book" like many of the beginning readers.


I don't see any reason why you should have to save them for later. Let them enjoy them now and then again independently later.



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