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52 week challenge question - Anyone getting your dc's involved too?

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I was thinking this would be a great things to get my dc's involved in too. My dd (8) heard me talking about this with my dh and is setting a goal herself. Though she is reading things like Magic Tree House, etc., she has already finished about 3 books since the New Year.


Just wondering if we could get our dc's on board?

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Popping in during my lunch break. Sounds like a good idea and something I should have my son do to get him to read more chapter books. We made up a list last week of 10 books for winter reading challenge. We could probably come up with a book a week. See. You just talked me into it.



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My 8yo is into it! Since the New Year he's finished A Cricket in Times Square by George Selden, The New Prophecy: Dawn by Erin Hunter and The Secret of Platform 13 by Eva Ibbottson. He's currently in the middle of The Twenty One Balloons by William DuBois, a book he read a year ago but couldn't resist re-reading while we wait for library books to come in.


My 5yo wants to try, too, but is just now able to sound out Magic Tree House type books. I'm not sure if he'll keep up.

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My son reads circles around me.... a book a week is nothin'. :) We just started keeping a book log. I have no idea how many books he read this past year, so it will be interesting to see how many books he reads each week or month in 2009. He is pretty young, though, to be making specific reading goals (and it isn't really his personality type). When he finishes a book, I just hand him a new one, LOL.


I think it would be great fun for kids to do, especially as their reading material increases in difficulty.

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I'm thinking of starting a list for my boys. The 8yo has read about 4 books since New Year's--Roald Dahl, Chester Cricket, Dick King-Smith, etc., after complaining for months that reading was boring. Now he's liking it again.


My 5yo is just getting to where he can do Frog and Toad and Henry and Mudge books. I just have to remember to have him read every day to me beyond OPGTR.

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My two at home read circles around me too. I think it's a great goal! But they're older (11 and 15). Were you meaning younger children?


I keep meaning to start a long with my two also. Heidi, for your log, do you just write down the books read, or do you have a form for it?

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