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Name that rash!

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When I was dressing my dd1 this morning I noticed she was getting a rash on her stomach, there were three red blotchy spots with little raised bumps in them. Then when I went to changed her diaper later I noticed that it had spread and know she has a very long blotchy spot on her stomach her shouldar and her knee. We have all been sick the past few days. She has had a runny nose and has been coughing. There was strep throat going around when we went to see our family over Christmas, no one that we visited had had it but everyone was talking about it going around. My sister called me yesterday to say she thought she had it but the rapid came back negative so she is waiting for the culture results. My dd1 seems fine other than the rash and the cough, she doesn't have a fever and is up and running around. I know I should take her to the doctor but my dh is at work, his first day back after being gone 2 weeks, with our only vehicle. When I called to tell him we may need to take her to the doctor he told me there is something wrong with the steering and that he could hardly steer this morning on the way to work. AGH!! I'm trying not to pull my hair out right now!

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Yep...doctor. :( I know that is not the answer you were looking for since your DH is at work with the vehicle, but it really doesn't sound like a strep rash (thought it could be). A strep rash is a lacy red rash. What you describe sounds more like a reaction my son had to the chicken pox vaccine when he was that age. I am just not sure. ??? Sorry!

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Stacy, you poor thing!


My 3 year old had hives a few weeks ago. Not sure if that's what you're describing or not. We could not figure out what was causing them. They'd come and go, on different parts of his body. But, when we gave him Benadryl, they'd go away. It took us a while to figure out that a new (supposedly allergen free :glare:) laundry detergent was to blame. Even then, it took another week to figure out that a blanket that we keep in the family room had been washed in the offending soap, and was causing occasional recurrences.


All that to say, has she been exposed to any new foods, soaps, household cleaners, etc? My pediatrician told me that if you give benadryl and the rash goes away, then you know it's an allergy to something. Maybe you could try that?


Hugs to you and the little one; I know well how hard it is to be home with the children and have no car. I'll say a prayer for all of you.

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My younger daughter was the "dotty" kid when she was that age. First, she had roseola, then pityriasis rosea. Both are viral. The former will clear in a week, the latter in 6-12. If it looks like p. rosea, you will want to have it looked at just to make sure it's not ringworm (tinea corporis).


Suffice to say, I became particularly adept at "name that splotch" while the girl child was wee. :001_huh:

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I'm thinking it might be hives because they are coming and going. It seems like evertime I check the ones that were there are gone but new ones have appeared elsewhere. We did get some hand me downs from my little cousin that she has been wearing for a few days now. I did wash everything though before I put her in them with landry detergent that we have used for years. My dh even thought maybe that is what is causing it. I've trying to think and I don't remember giving her any new foods recently. The only reason I thought it might be strep was because I had the same thing happen to my ds8 a few years ago but he was acting a lot worse then what she is. I'll have to check and see if we have benadryl and try that. I'm bordering on being paronoid that it's strep, and trying to tell myself that it isn't and she'll be fine. Strep throat is one of those illness that I always get paronoid about though :willy_nilly: Thanks for the prayers and I will keep you posted!

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My younger daughter was the "dotty" kid when she was that age. First, she had roseola, then pityriasis rosea. Both are viral. The former will clear in a week, the latter in 6-12. If it looks like p. rosea, you will want to have it looked at just to make sure it's not ringworm (tinea corporis).


Suffice to say, I became particularly adept at "name that splotch" while the girl child was wee. :001_huh:



She did have roseola when she was 8 months old. She hasn't had the high fever that is associated with that and the rash keeps coming and going. I'm not sure about the other one you mentioned.

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Guest Alte Veste Academy
When I was dressing my dd1 this morning I noticed she was getting a rash on her stomach, there were three red blotchy spots with little raised bumps in them. Then when I went to changed her diaper later I noticed that it had spread and know she has a very long blotchy spot on her stomach her shouldar and her knee. We have all been sick the past few days. She has had a runny nose and has been coughing.


The cough and rash were my daughter's first symptoms when she caught Mycoplasma Pneumonia with my older son and me last year. I had a truly terrible case and my kids barely seemed affected at all except for the heinous cough. My daughter didn't have a fever at all when she showed her first symptoms, just the cough and the rash. I freaked out about the rash because it soon took over her whole body and--how freaky is this?!--moved around every few minutes! Thankfully, my MIL is an ER doctor and talked me down from crazy worried in about 30 seconds.


At any rate, how bad is the cough? I would definitely head to a doctor to check it out. It can't hurt.



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Guest Alte Veste Academy
I'm thinking it might be hives because they are coming and going. It seems like evertime I check the ones that were there are gone but new ones have appeared elsewhere.


As stated above, this is exactly what happened with my daughter's pneumonia. You're so calm! It freaked me out!



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I took my dd1 to the doctor last night and she has strep throat! I was really surprised since she hadn't been acting sick at all! My other dc have been fighting what I thought were colds and I myself haven't been feeling all that great so I am thinking we may very well be back at the doctors again tonight. I'm glad I took her. I ended up having to drive our van without any power steering because we have a leak. My dh took it to be looked at today and thank goodness it was just a hose that needed to be replaced and didn't cost a lot of money.

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Do you go to the same doctor? If so, maybe they would just call an rx in for you since they know it's going around your family??? At least you guys can get an antibiotic...most of the rashes aren't treated with one.


I was going to suggest the pityriasis rosea, as well. My dc just had that a few weeks ago. I guess fifths disease is going around our church, too, which is another blotchy rash.


'Tis the season!


My younger daughter was the "dotty" kid when she was that age. First, she had roseola, then pityriasis rosea. Both are viral. The former will clear in a week, the latter in 6-12. If it looks like p. rosea, you will want to have it looked at just to make sure it's not ringworm (tinea corporis).


Suffice to say, I became particularly adept at "name that splotch" while the girl child was wee. :001_huh:

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