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s/o of "Which blogs do you read?"

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Specifically, what is it about the blogs you read that draw you to them? (Make you want to continue to read them.)


A few that answered on that thread gave their reasons why, and I found that truly interesting / enlightening. And now I'm thoroughly curious.


(feel free to add links to the blogs with your reasons. . .)

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I like Pioneer Woman because of the pictures, recipes and giveaways. I've never won anything, but it's always fun to dream.


I also like Homespun Heart because she has sweet craft ideas and it encourages me spiritually.


I'm creating my own blog right now & I love reading and rereading it! I love seeing the pics of my little people.

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I have about 5-6 blogs I like to read. My favorite is Pleasant View Schoolhouse:



She is a great role model for my daughter - and me. Mom of several, homeschooler, her children have wonderful gifts that they have nurtured (photography, birdwatching, sewing, etc.), transracial adoption, she's a lawyer part-time, very gifted homemaker, cook and seamstress. She's vintagy - decor, sewing and books. Great photos are a plus too, her son is the gifted photographer I believe.


I certainly could never do 1/10 of what she does. But, I would love for my daughter to be able to someday!

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Some I read because they make me laugh. Some because they make me think. Some because they are filled with beauty. Some because I know them in real life and like to keep up on their lives. Some just because I am nosy and curious. I don't read many blogs everyday, but I have quite a few that I pop in on every once in a while.

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I only read blogs that aren't obviously trying to garner a readership. Everyone wants to be an author, but not everyone has something interesting or intelligent or unique to say. So I really limit where I spend my time reading online. :)


I like photos, but sometimes there are too *many*...don't shoot me, but there are too many tiny steps shown on Pioneer Woman and some of the other cooking blogs. I go right to the pic of the finished dish and then print out the printable version.


I don't like to be talked at on a blog. LOL I guess there are just as many reasons I won't read a blog as there are reasons that I'd continue going back. :tongue_smilie: I really like honesty and simplicity and really good, specific information, but there are very few lives that I want to peek in on regularly--I've got enough goin' on right here. lol


Not sure this helped one bit. :001_rolleyes:

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I gave my specific reasons on the other thread, but I'll just give a general 'why' here.


The first thing that attracts me to a blog is a classy, uncluttered template with great photography. I rarely read blogs without a good visual component. I enjoy blogs that are by homeschooling moms (especially with young boys), since that gives me something specific to relate to, although my favorite blogs have more about general life than homeschool details. I like an appreciation for the simple things in life as well as nature. Good writing to go along with the photography. A Christian worldview is always nice, but not necessary.

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I missed the first thread - anyone care to share a link?


I usually end up reading blogs accidentally. I mean, the blogs that I'm drawn to, that I would search out, are probably not the blogs I read on a regular basis. Those blogs would be the ones with pictures of real life, nitty gritty. They would be entertaining and informative. Encouraging and uplifting with a dose of sarcasm thrown in (do those mix?) But when I find them, I end up just peeking in periodically.


The blogs that I have on my bloglines list, that I check in on almost daily, are the ones that I met here on the board or have met through my blog or elsewhere and with whom I have developed a relationship.

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