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June weekly goals


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Posted (edited)

This month I will:

Health and fitness:

change my chai habit over to one espresso per day

do modified whole 30 for the month: keep feta and possibly lentils

exercise every day, video or outside


keep on keeping on, plus pies

Home and garden:

build two more stone walls

set up better watering system for veggies

lay down some cardboard for new perennials and get them from Hazel, plant in


build the float

finish chess set and send it

get current article into presentable form, finish edits


continue to call Mom, help sort out next steps for her care

This week:

create new heath habits

decide on the float and create physical space to build it

chop wood, carry water






Edited by Eos
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I’ll play!

Now that Covid got me, I suspect the month of June will have only one Health goal: (if you’ll excuse the motto:) Build Back Better. 😛 I unfortunately had to cancel a doctor’s appointment I literally made last December, because I have the nerve to insist on seeing my actual doctor and not a PA. This was supposed to be an annual work-up but of course I couldn’t get my labs with Covid in the mix. So heaven knows when I’ll be able to get that rescheduled. 

I plan to take advantage of having my tech boy home and have him rebuild the computer set up for the company. This job is extremely overdue. 

I want/need to replant my herb planters with fresh plants, as well as a couple of decorative plants. This would normally have been done a month ago, but since we were planning a trip to Ireland, I didn’t get that done before we left. 


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44 minutes ago, Ginevra said:

had to cancel a doctor’s appointment I literally made last December, because I have the nerve to insist on seeing my actual doctor and not a PA. This was supposed to be an annual work-up but of course I couldn’t get my labs with Covid in the mix. So heaven knows when I’ll be able to get that rescheduled. 

Ugh, so sorry. Happy Covid-Recovery month!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)
On 6/1/2024 at 6:31 AM, Eos said:

This month I will:

Health and fitness:

change my chai habit over to one espresso per day Shockingly, this worked!

do modified whole 30 for the month: keep feta and possibly lentils Not working

exercise every day, video or outside Not working, though my job makes me move quite a bit


keep on keeping on, plus pies Yes

Home and garden:

build two more stone walls No

set up better watering system for veggies Yes

lay down some cardboard for new perennials and get them from Hazel, plant in No, dealing with horrid rose chafers instead


build the float No, but it's coming

finish chess set and send it Will do after the 4th

get current article into presentable form, finish edits This has been my focus and it's very close to done


continue to call Mom, help sort out next steps for her care Yes

This week:

create new heath habits Hmmm

decide on the float and create physical space to build it Decided, will make space this week and start

chop wood, carry water Barely doing this







This week I will dial back my goals. I will increase my willpower by changing my mindset: I know I get energized and motivated when I build on success rather than focus on "failure."

Health and fitness:

go to sleep earlier, hike and walk, do arms for carrying stuff up to campsite


be grateful

Home and Garden:

ignore until after the 4th, tidy just enough to not be gross, plant in basil


build the float



Edited by Eos
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23 hours ago, Eos said:

This week I will dial back my goals. I will increase my willpower by changing my mindset: I know I get energized and motivated when I build on success rather than focus on "failure."

Health and fitness:

go to sleep earlier, hike and walk, do arms for carrying stuff up to campsite


be grateful

Home and Garden:

ignore until after the 4th, tidy just enough to not be gross, plant in basil


build the float



Day one self-accountability check in: yesterday I hike-walked and did an arms video, today I will plant in the basil, water the whole garden, and do another exercise video.

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Day 2 check in: basil in, garden watered and hose system fixed, but I pulled rose chafer beetles off the raspberries and apple trees to the point that I didn't need to do a video.

Today I will make 14 pies, clean three rooms, walk and HIIT run, and mock up a piece of the float.

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Hi Eos! (Need the waving emoji)

My life is very upside down right now and goal setting/ achieving is not much in the picture. I will be traveling or out of town for work for the next 10 days, with limited control over my schedule and environment. 

From now til the end of June:

Do PT exercises daily
Get in a 30 minute walk daily
Learn a lot
Read every evening
Remember to call my mom
Be ready to hit the ground running in July! 

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2 hours ago, ScoutTN said:

Hi Eos! (Need the waving emoji)

My life is very upside down right now and goal setting/ achieving is not much in the picture. I will be traveling or out of town for work for the next 10 days, with limited control over my schedule and environment. 

From now til the end of June:

Do PT exercises daily
Get in a 30 minute walk daily
Learn a lot
Read every evening
Remember to call my mom
Be ready to hit the ground running in July! 

Hi there! I like the "from now til the end of June" timeline, very do-able. And I really like this simple but nicely comprehensive list of tasks.

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Ha - I'm too busy for daily check ins, but the whole week was good, I did all my goals.

On 6/15/2024 at 5:54 AM, Eos said:

This week I will dial back my goals. I will increase my willpower by changing my mindset: I know I get energized and motivated when I build on success rather than focus on "failure."

Health and fitness:

go to sleep earlier, hike and walk, do arms for carrying stuff up to campsite


be grateful

Home and Garden:

ignore until after the 4th, tidy just enough to not be gross, plant in basil


build the float



Going to sleep at 9 is really the crux for me. I can't stop myself from waking up super early but I can control when I go to bed.

The float is going very well, we have the design, most of the materials, and we've built one puppet so far, working on 8 more and a banner. Found all the participants (I think) and sent in the entry form.

This week I will focus on the float and the race I'm working next weekend.

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@Eos What kind(s) of pie did you make? 14 is a lot!!

Work trip is going well, though I miss my family, my bed, and better food. (We are staying in college dorms and eating in the cafeteria.)

I have been mostly good on goals, though walking may be limited by rain today. Will call my mom this afternoon. And Dh! 

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10 hours ago, ScoutTN said:

@Eos What kind(s) of pie did you make? 14 is a lot!!

14 is relatively low-key for the moment, after the 1st of July I'll ramp up to 24, 3 times a week. I make blueberry, strawberry-rhubarb, peach-raspberry, apple, apple-blackberry, cherry-almond crumb, raspberry crumb (for a local farmstand.) 


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