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AP score -- delayed, possible issues with academic integrity?

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DS took AP French this year, and his score is still not available. His other two scores were available on 5 July, on time. I have been checking in with the College Board every now and then and was finally told yesterday that his "case" had been resolved and he'd get the score yesterday or today. Of course he didn't (DS is at Philmont backpacking and gave me access to his account, plus he hates dealing with stuff like this so I do this for him). 

I've called again and apparently the case officer had left for the day already but I was finally given her email. I emailed and got an out of office that shows she works for ETS, the Office of Test Integrity. So now I'm worried not just that the test went missing but that DS is being accused of a lack of integrity or something! I know there was something odd about the administration of the test at the school because they were sent one audio cd that had to be used for both the "regular" kids and the "irregular" kids (in this case, only DS, who gets extra time, especially for listening due to hearing loss). So they apparently were walking the cd back and forth between rooms or something. Since I won't be able to get a hold of anyone until Monday, can anyone give any insight and tell me to calm down?

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I really doubt this is related to anything your kid did or didn't do.  Walking a CD back and forth between two exam rooms would count as a testing irregularity, so I'd assume an investigation was conducted to make sure no students got extra time or any other unfair advantage.  Crossing fingers that you get the score early next week!

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When my kid took the SAT in 7th grade for the talent search, kid's score was significantly delayed.  We emailed and called repeatedly.  It turned out that the 'irregularity' was that kid's score was unusually high for a 7th grader.  We were supposed to get the scores mid-December and I think we finally got them in late January or early February.  They took forever, but they did finally get it done.  I'm sorry you're dealing with this.  

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