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11th grade language arts/English curriculum?

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I have always outsourced high school English, but due to things I won’t bore you with, it looks like I may need to teach 11th grade English to my ds.  He’s good about doing schoolwork on his own with me correcting.  Is there anything that he can do mostly on his own?  He’s an average kid in English, so I don’t want something too hard, but not fluffy, especially in writing.  

There’s no way I can do this without something to go by, so any suggestions are appreciated.

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A high school English credit is often 1/2 Lit. + 1/2 Writing, but there are certainly options.

What would he be interested in reading/digging into for literature? A focused topic such as works from the Sci-Fi genre? Or Ancient Lit.? Or World authors?

Or would he prefer doing all-writing for the English credit, and doing something like a Journalism program?

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1 hour ago, Lori D. said:

A high school English credit is often 1/2 Lit. + 1/2 Writing, but there are certainly options.

What would he be interested in reading/digging into for literature? A focused topic such as works from the Sci-Fi genre? Or Ancient Lit.? Or World authors?

Or would he prefer doing all-writing for the English credit, and doing something like a Journalism program?

He probably needs both the lit and writing.  I am hoping for something with more American lit this year because that’s what he would have been taking if he stayed in the online classes.

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I can't really think of a great American Lit. + writing program that is largely self-directed.

Maybe you and DS together could come up with a booklist of interest, look for individual lit. guides?

And then decide on writing assignments that would be useful for him now, and in his future adult life. A few assignments could be about lit. from the booklist, but what about including some real-life writing? Or, go with several of the Lantern English advanced writing classes, and outsource?

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Though a little older, your child sounds like mine--can do work mostly on his own. I have been able to 'feed' English-related tasks to my child and the tasks mostly get done well.

My child is a bit younger, so I get most of the reading for free from Read Works (https://www.readworks.org/). You might find some grade-level readings on Read Works, and they'd come with comprehension and analysis questions. The answers are provided for the parent, so that seems like it might be a good fit for your.

If you'd like for your son to stay more at grade-level, I think sticking to American Literature would be a good idea. American Literature (https://americanliterature.com/) is a fantastic site. You can choose a story at his level. Then, some stories have Study Guides, which include discussion questions (and summaries, character details, etc.). Those discussion questions could spark writing assignments for him. On that site, there is also a category of historical readings, so he's not just reading fiction.

I've also used Lux Writing Center (https://luxwritingcenter.com/), though it's not free like the other two...it's paid monthly and correspondence is daily. But it has been good because Mr. Lux is flexible and works with whatever my child is doing or whatever I want done at the time. So, for example, Mr. Lux could read my child's written response to a short story and give feedback. He also gives tasks to complete when I don't want to come up with anything.

Good luck! It sounds like you're in a good position with your son, so I'm sure all will go well!

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