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IEW, Christian Halls International, & Southern University

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22 hours ago, Mert said:

Has anyone taken the IEW course that CHI is offering? Can you report how it transfers on the college level?

Oh my. So the answer on how a credit from one institution will transfer to another is to look at a website like (I forget name, maybe I can find it) or to ask the institution you're transferring to. Typically the institution is going to ask for the course syllabus from the course you did unless they already have experience with the issuing institution. I will suggest some eyebrows are going to go up if the receiving institution sees IEW on the course syllabus. However if you find on a transfer site or through the school you're applying to that they have previously accepted credits from this Southeastern or Donnelly, then you're good to go. That is how you will find out.

Hold it, IEW is now selling something they call SSS-1C College? That's new. Again, it's all going to depend on the school you're applying to. I could see some institutions accepting the transfer credit and some not. 


Here is the site. My suggestion is you start there and then call the local branch of your state university or whatever private university you might be considering and just talk with them. Some are going to be very lenient and some are going to make you take the course again anyway, counting the course as gen ed credits but not toward a major. With state schools you have reciprocity among schools. I could see some people in this kind of scenario taking the class young for the experience, taking an AP exam afterward to get that notch, and then applying to a more selective school and REPEATING freshman comp. There are valid reasons why someone might do this path. More selective schools and programs often have major specific freshman comp, so freshman comp for engineers, etc. 

It's not necessarily a wrong answer but something to be approached thoughtfully.

Edited by PeterPan
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Thank you for all that information. I wasn't very specific in my question, so I can see why you shared all of that. I understand the ins and outs of transfer equivalency. I was asking if anyone had experience with this specific class. It is being offered through Southeastern University, so the transcript will come straight from them and hopefully say ENG101 & 102 just like the regular lecture course they offer to their regular students. It's such a new program, I'm uncertain of that one part and was hoping someone could confirm. 

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