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Second Generation Home schoolers?

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I was just wondering if there were any parents on here who were homeschooled themselves? My mom home schooled my older brother and I, starting when he was in 1st grade. I honestly didn't think I would ever homeschool my own children, but then after I actually gave birth to them, my feelings changed :)

I feel very blessed to have my parents who are so supportive of us and it's nice to be able to ask my mom "What did you do when..." :)

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I was only homeschooled for my junior year of highschool, so I don't know if that counts or not. :)


I knew at that time that I wanted to homeschool my kiddos if I ever had any.


My parents are very supportive. My older sister now homeschools her kids. (She is the only one of the three sisters who was not homeschooled at all. My younger sister was homeschooled her freshman year, but doesn't currently have children.)

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I was homeschooled beginning in ninth grade, to graduation. Like Heidi, I've been pretty dead set on homeschooling my own since then.


My family is supportive of me, but not of all homeschoolers. They claim that many families don't do it the right way. They are particulary leery of parents that set worksheets in front of their kids for two hours every morning, then let them watch TV the rest of the day, or parents who can barely punctuate an e-mail. :::shrug::: I kind of think that being held captive at most schools is worse than being left alone to hack out your education. I admit, I do wonder whether or not I should explain the local homeschool laws to parents who are not smart or literate enough to do so themselves.

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I was hsed in the 70s for high school but it was not a pleasant experience for many reasons. My parents started with ACE paces but soon it moved to my reading Russian and British lit and playing with learning French. I was brought home so that I could keep house and take care of my younger siblings while my mom went back to work. So I cared for a baby and toddler all day plus did everything a parent should do for the two sibs in grade school. My parent did not care what I learned as long as they did not have to mess with any of the younger sibs or the house or that I read any lit books by an author who killed himself. They spent no money for books or anything else for me other than 3 months of ACE paces. My grandfather took me to the library once a week so that I could get reading material. Any pocket money I got which was not much I spent on books.


When I went to college in my mid 20s I had to take remedial math and English. So from my parents I learned what not to do and I do not ask them for any advice and I sure did not ask for or looked for their approval although they gave it. I have made relationship a major emphasis in our hs from the get go and it has really paid off. My boys, who have only been hsed, as teens are great to be around, they love hsing, we have a peaceful family and they do a fair amount of school work every day. With their input I plan a year of study and help them with their work every day. I and my dh do without so that they can have the best books, curriculum, and scouting equipment that we can buy. I love hsing them and I love our family.



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Yes, I was home schooled K-8 (and my younger siblings were home schooled through elementary school as well). My mom doesn't necessarily offer a lot of advice -- I think one of the things she learned after three kids was that we aren't all the same. ;) But we do talk a lot and she and my dad have been very supportive and helpful.


Dh and I didn't necessarily assume we would home school when our first child was born, but I think we had realized we would home school from the time he was... Well, before he was three.


I think it's reassuring to my in-laws that I'm not a total social misfit. ;) They weren't too keen on home schooling or home schoolers before I came along. ;)

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Thanks, ladies, it's neat to know I'm not alone.

Rose, yes we knew a family growing up who simply took their children out of the public school system but did not actually educate them at home, just endless hours of VHS tapes. Very sad.

Rebecca, I'm very sorry that your early homeschool experience was so terrible. I'm sure your children will appreciate the sacrifice you and your husband make for their education. I know that is one thing my brother and I are very grateful to our own parents for.

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