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Alternative painkillers

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44 minutes ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

So that’s what that PT technique is called!  It’s the only thing that will release my muscles sometimes.  

So now I don't know what to think. I looked up my PT's bio, and it says "Muscle Energy Technique" but I could swear the billing is for MAT adjustments, and I remember one of her understudies calling it Muscle Activation Technique when she was answering some of my questions. Either way, I think we're talking about the same thing. And I have another friend who similarly benefited from these adjustments from a different licensed PT for a persistent foot/ankle problem. 

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9 hours ago, Ottakee said:

Would a skilled surgeon be willing to go in and look?  My daughters CT didn’t show anything but once the doctor was in there he could see the issues with her elbow.

Same for me, but with my foot. An MRI showed everything looked perfect. But I could barely walk I was in so much pain. My surgeon went in, cleaned out the inflammation, and released some fascia that was too tight.

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