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RS4K Building Blocks Upper Levels?

Green Bean

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  • 2 weeks later...

We had grades 5 and 6, but we didn't finish either. I ended up donating them to a homeschool coop. They were just okay in my opinion.

I liked that each major subject was included in each level instead of focusing on one subject for an entire year. The writing was clear and relatively--for a science textbook--engaging. The kids liked the illustrations and incorporated jokes and sillies. The chemistry sections were fantastic, biology and astronomy were good, Physics was okay, but I didn't like the geology sections at all. I'm a geological engineer, and although "neutral" science was fine with me in theory, I found that I strongly disapproved of the way geological ages and dating (even relative dating iirc) and some other details were handled/avoided. It clashed with my college education something fierce.

The biggest reason we set them aside, though, was that none of us enjoyed the "experiments" (that could be called labs but weren't truly experiments at all), and the lab books weren't the least bit dyslexia- or dysgraphia- friendly for my 2e kids.

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