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First Language Lessons old vs newer


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If I recall correctly, the older book tells you what kind of reading passages to use, but you find them yourself. I did that for the first year, but then shifted to the newer edition for the second year so that I could spend less time on prep. One hidden danger I discovered was keeping track of the books. I did prep in the summer and by the time we got to the selection in the spring from Swiss Family Robinson I couldn't find that book anywhere! I decided I must have donated it. I tried to use the library's copy, but the page numbers were different, so that took some extra work. Then somebody found my copy under a chair in the basement... It is humorous now. Anyway, the newer editions include the reading passages.

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I haven't seen the newer edition, but the older edition was very easy to use. I don't recall needing to look up my own passages (Miss Tick might be thinking of WWE - the all in one version vs. the individual years).  

With FLL, the only thing that wasn't great was the quality of the pictures used for picture study. But you can easily just google it and get a nice, full color image on your computer in seconds. FLL was truly open and go, so easy to use, and very effective (at least for my kids).  

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I had the original then moved, and it got lost.  I bought the new ones, they are much larger sized.  Both are nice, but when I found the old one I was thrilled!  I love the smaller compactness of the original and the great memories doing it with my older children.  I love that it is two in one as well as I tend to not use it until my children are reading well, which could be in Kindergarten or in 2nd grade...leaving me never feeling behind.




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