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How does this look for a 9th grader?

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She isn't planning on college down the road, but I want her prepared no matter what as I know a lot can change in 4 years. She isn't academically gifted but does OK. Her biggest issue is motivation :glare:


R&S English 9 (over kill?)


Lightning Lit US Lit ( both eary to mid and mid to late)

Henle Latin I

SOS Spanish I

BJU Physical Science ( might use their Earth & Space instead-not sure yet)

Notgrass Exploring America (History only)

Chalk Dust Algebra I


She is hoping to take voice lessons and is involved in a musical theather group as well as CAP.


What do you think? I know it's early to be thinking of school for fall but we buy our supplies in Jan/Feb so I need to make some kind of descision soon. Thanks!

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If you're looking for a grammar review, I don't think I would use that level of Rod & Staff - it is mostly writing. I think the IEW would be plenty of writing without the Rod and Staff. Maybe Easy Grammar Plus or Analytical Grammar (which is kinda expensive IMO) be good for a grammar review. I'm considering using the Barron's Grammar the Easy Way next year with my son.

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Won't she get some grammar review doing Latin and Spanish? Unless there isn't enough in level 1?


I do think between the latin, spanish and IEW that she will have enough grammar. Plus she will finish R&S 8 this year. I most likely will not use an additonal resource, but it's nice to know there are options available if needed.

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Have you looked at Our Mother Tongue for grammar? It is inexpensive but comprehensive. She could easily do it as review in a couple of weeks at the beginning of the fall semester and then spend the year really honing writing skills using IEW.



I have never heard of this, but will look at it. Thanks!

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I really like Basic Language Principles with Latin Background. It would dovetail nicely with Henle.

Lessons are short, but effective.


You can buy it here with answer key and lesson plans.




This looks really interesting! Adding it to the list :)

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I think I would drop the Rod and Staff. Other than that it looks great. Does she need a fine arts credit--the voice lessons could apply. Some places need a high school Health and PE credit.


I am going to give her a fine art credit for the theater group & voice/piano lessons. She is in the Civil Air Patrol and they do drill each week so I think I could give a her credit for that too.

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