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Berean Builders multiple children


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We've been using Berean Builders for several years now and really enjoy it. Next year my oldest will be in 7th and I planned on him doing In the Atomic Age. I also thought I would start the series over for the younger kids (kind of how I do SOTW-we just repeat and the younger kids come in when they're ready). Anyone get that far in Berean Builders? Do you assign Atomic Age rather than doing it as a read aloud? I'm just thinking ahead and seeing that I will definitely not have time to do 2 science read alouds. Even if you don't do Berean Builders-do you assign your science rather than doing it together at that age?

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In 7th grade, I had one of mine do a  Berean Builders on her own.  I think she did the Age of Reason that year because that is what our co-op did for middle school science that year.  Since the book was mostly aimed at grades through 6th I think, so she was completely able to do it and all of the experiments and journal assignments on her own that year. Mine was always a bit on the slower side with reading and comprehension, so doing a year behind was perfect for her.  If the next level isn't much of a jump, and the format is simllar then I would feel fine giving it to a 7th grader to read on their own.  But I will admit I haven't actually seen it. 

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Many moons ago, I had my oldest (then a 7th grader) join the rest of us for Science in the Beginning. We did it as a group/read-aloud and it actually worked out quite well. There were some topics he already knew but for the most part it worked well. I would think that Atomic Age would work even better for a 7th grader, so I would probably just do it altogether.

Generally, by 7th grade, I assign independent science, but I made an exception that year and it worked very well.

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