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2 Million Minutes

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I just got around to watching this after waiting for a copy at the library for several weeks. On one hand, I suppose it didn't tell me anything I didn't already know, but it's still pretty scary stuff. It compares the high school experiences of students in the US, India, and China, and paints a scary picture of the way things might turn out if there aren't some major changes in our education system. I'm curious to see what anyone else who has seen it thought....

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I checked out the web site http://www.2mminutes.com/ and it looks interesting. I am hoping to purchase the DVD after the holidays. One thing that got to me is the exam page.


"But perhaps I overstate the high standards of the developing world, particularly India and China. So, to test that assumption, my company Indian Math Online has created the “Third World Challenge†– this is a shortened and greatly simplified version of the multi-day proficiency test that every 10th grader in India must pass to go on to the 11th grade"


I don't know if I could pass it!:blush:



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oh man, I KNOW I can't pass it!:001_unsure:


However, I have friends (engineers both of them, one chemical the other mechanical) from India and they note that the vast majority of people cannot pass those tests. And that's the point of the test, to keep the castes seperate. And the education system is VERY corrupt, many people buy their grades.


I'll have to see if Netflix has this because now I'm intrigued too!

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