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What subjects do you do?


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1st grader


English--This includes reading aloud to me, writing (mostly narration/dictation/copywork), handwriting (which is covered by dictation/copywork), spelling (I use a level that is below his challenge level so that it is not a struggle). These things take 30-45 minutes in all.

Writing/Handwriting--See above

Spelling--See above

Reading/Phonics--See above

Math--This is supposed to take about 30 minutes but depending on someone's mood it can take longer

Science--This usually takes 15-45 minutes depending on whether we have activities to do

History--This usually takes 15-30 minutes depending on how much supplemental reading we have

Art/Art Appreciation--Outside class

Music/Music Appreciation--Outside class and also violin lessons

Poetry--This gets done very sporadically

Read-Alouds--Every evening before bed as well as supplemental reading for history and science

Foreign Language--Spanish with Rosetta Stone, 20 minutes 3x per week

Memorization--We don't do this

Plus Narration, Dictation, and Copywork--See English, above


7th Grader


English--This includes grammar, spelling, writing, and literature. He usually spends 60 minutes on these things combined.

Writing/Handwriting--See above

Spelling--See above

Reading/Phonics--Reading in the form of literature

Math--He usually spends 60-90 minutes per day on math

Science--He usually spends 30-45 minutes on science unless we do a lab

History--Usually 45 minutes

Art/Art Appreciation--Outside class

Music/Music Appreciation--Violin lessons

Poetry--Not this year

Read-Alouds--Every evening (tie into history)

Foreign Language--Latin every day for about 20 minutes, Rosetta Stone Spanish 3x per week for about 20 minutes


Plus Narration, Dictation, and Copywork--No


I don't know if this helps. We start at 8 AM and work until we are done. For the 1st grader this means he is usually done by 11. The 7th grader varies a bit more and can be done anywhere from 12-3. On Tuesdays and Thursdays we are done by 11:30 no matter what because they have outside classes in the afternoon on those days. We do science and literature lite on those days.

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