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SAD sufferers - have you tried the new blue lights?

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I finally went online to look at these today, and found the blue lights. Philips (bought Apollo) claims they are even more effective than their traditional lights. Does anyone here have experience with them?


Vitamin D is more effective than any lights in terms of treating SAD.


Thankfully I no longer have to worry about any kinds of lighting.....I just maintain optimal D levels and I'm set.




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My new light box arrives on Monday, and I cannot wait.


My doctor said to not get the blue lights because they can damage the eyes.


This is a list that I emailed my husband of what to look for. (I had DH help me choose.)


The box should provide 10,000 lux of illumination at a comfortable sitting distance. Product specifications are often missing or unverified.

UV Filters

Fluorescent lamps should have a smooth diffusing screen that filters out ultraviolet (UV) rays. UV rays are harmful to the eyes and skin.

White Light Only

The lamps should give off white light rather than colored light. "Full spectrum" lamps and blue (or bluish) lamps provide no known therapeutic advantage.

Minimize Glare

The light should be projected downward toward the eyes at an angle to minimize aversive visual glare.

Sufficient Size

Smaller is not better: When using a compact light box, even small head movements will take the eyes out of the therapeutic range of the light.


I ordered the SunRay from http://www.sunbox.com. http://www.sunbox.com/Products/ProductPopUp.asp?ProductID=238

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I use the blue light. It is a golite by Apollo, I bought it from Costco. The reearch I did, came up with mixed results as far as the eyes go. The light I bought said it was fine for your eyes(of course they were selling a product). It has helped somewhat. November seemed much better. I was able to get up and get going(one of my problems is getting up when it is dark)I think it gives me the extra push to move and not be tooo sluggy, but I still need to spend time outside, or I get sluggy. I am taking Vit. D too, so that may be some (all?) of the positive effect.

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