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Pfizer doesn’t prevent infection in ages 5-11

Mrs Tiggywinkle

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On 3/2/2022 at 12:44 PM, Hilltopmom said:

NYer here. Our county is still listed as “red” on the map.

I was one of 2 teachers wearing a mask today. My children and a handful of others were masked. All day all I heard was “it’s so good to see everyone’s smiles”- not like we haven’t been seeing them at lunch, snack, and breakfast anyways. 
The super sent out an email last night telling people that bullying over those who chose to wear masks would not be tolerated. I’m sure the kids still in masks felt bad today hearing that over and over. 
I did tell families that if they want their kid in a mask I will follow through. Most said they were letting their child decide?! 
Admin also said on the email last night that masks are still strongly recommended, just not mandated. I’m deeply disappointed in the super and admin who said that but then did not wear masks themselves 😞 so much for leading by example and following our health dept recommendations. Even our school nurse was mask-less!

People are not willing to do the right thing unless it’s a law.

I made it through the day without telling anyone off, at least. 

Btw- also sent home 2 kids sick today for symptoms. parents were shocked we were still following that rule. Wth- mask mandates went away, covid didn’t magically end. Sigh.


The more I think about this now the more upset I am that my colleagues have so little regard for the health of their own students and their families. I’m not sure I’ll ever look at them in the same way again. My own children’s teachers and my work peers are endangering my children’s health and they’re happily celebrating it while they do it. Such a bad taste in my mouth right now.

Your ETA lines up with how I feel. The kids’ school nurses have been wearing cloth masks throughout the pandemic, and I thought that was a bad example as well. We are set to drop masks very soon and we are seeing/hearing the same things. Hugs to you. I am not looking forward to seeing the natural consequences of this choice.

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