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VP Self Paced History questions


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I’ve looked at this many times and just never tried it. I’m thinking this might be the year. But, here’s my main question:

1) can my dc (age 10 and 12) start with 1815-Present without any weird problems jumping in there?

They’ve had history throughout the years and I really need this year to be more current history, but I didn’t know if the flow of this would be off if we had never done any of the others. 

Next question:

2) Do I need to buy this two times if each of my dc do it?

3) Did your dc like it? What do you think of it?

My reason for wanting to try it is that history is just not a loved or often gotten to subject in our house, so it would be nice for it to not be on my plate to do. Also, my youngest ds really wants to have *something* online and independent and I feel like this is the only subject I could really do that with right now.  


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There's no problem jumping in at the end. You don't need to buy 2 subscriptions. You just have to know that once you do a quiz that grade will be recorded. They do have a free trial though. One tip I will tell you that the first assessment in lesson 1 that you need the history timeline card for that day or you won't be able to answer some of the questions. I will say that the last two history courses pair well together because it is pretty much mostly US history focused. 

I believe they still offer a free trial for VP self-paced history.

Edited by calbear
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I'm not just recommending it. There's no way to do this without it. Now if you want to have spine or add some additional reading, each set of cards has a list of books that they use. They are exactly the same as the books listed here for their teach it yourself package: https://veritaspress.com/store/1815-to-present-older-homeschool-graded.html . Now you don't have to use those to complete the course.

I realize that I didn't answer your question. Yes, my son really enjoyed the SP history courses. Honestly, it was a lot easier to do these than when we did the entire SOTW.

By the way, I have long since wrapped up the courses, but I still get the email promos. You can set your start date for later...you just need to tell them that when you purchase.

Just wanted to make sure you’re aware that we're running a two-week summer sale on Online Self-Paced Courses. Veritas tends to run promos seasonally (and with varying offers) so if you’re looking to save $100 on every Self-Paced Course for this summer, or the coming school year, you won’t want to miss out on this one. Your coupon code (EXPLORE) for $100 off of each course is valid through 6/21/21, so you’ve got a couple of days—but don’t put it off.

Feel free to let us in Service know if you need any assistance with anything.

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My kids did a few of these, and I think we jumped in at 1815-Present.  There is no need to do them in order.  I purchased one program and my kids both used it separately, but I asked VP to unlock the course and use it as an audit.  Doing it this way allowed one child to move through it faster if needed.  It does not store any grades when you do it this way, but you can print the grades after they take a test if you want to keep a log that way.  Sometimes the program but stuck or glitchy and having the course unlocked was *very* helpful so they could skip a game if the game was stuck.  My kids enjoyed it until they outgrew it, and it was nice to be able to set one child up with it and work with the other one for that block of time. 

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