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Stay with Chalkdust or switch?

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DC has been using Chalkdust since Basic Math, Algebra 1 and now Geometry. He likes thorough explanations on the video lessons. We hope to transition DC to 9th grade in public school and certificate/grade upon completion the math course would be helpful for the placement. I am debating whether we should switch to a different math program with certificate/grade or an A-G course for Algebra 2. Any good ones would you recommend for Algebra 2 with thorough explanation? TIA! 

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I would keep using Chalkdust. My kid that used Chalkdust all of the way through scored very highly on the math sections of the ACT and SAT.  He's also gotten high As all through college as an engineering major. The program set him up for success. We used Intermediate Algebra: Graphs and Functions by Larson as generic chalkdust for Algebra 2. 

If you must switch to something because you need outside grading, use Derek Owens. He has a grading service. We used him for Honors Physics, and liked him a lot.

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