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Pain is. . .

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Going to bed at 1 a.m., on top of the world that you got so much done.


And being awakened at 3:30 a.m., with 2 dc coughing - one with a croupy cough.


And being awakened again at 7:45, by plumber needing to fix the valve on the water heater.




Gonna be a lo-o-o-o-o-ng day.



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Had similar experience. No sick kids...but went to bed at midnight and let youngest ds sleep with me....just a treat he likes to have every now and then. So he sleeps with me and every hour on the hour he tosses his body in midair and flops around for a minute or two before getting comfy. No more sleeping with mom. I am in a fog today!

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Going to bed at 1 a.m., on top of the world that you got so much done.


And being awakened at 3:30 a.m., with 2 dc coughing - one with a croupy cough.


And being awakened again at 7:45, by plumber needing to fix the valve on the water heater.




Gonna be a lo-o-o-o-o-ng day.




That stinks, Heather! Maybe you can catch a nap.

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That stinks, Heather! Maybe you can catch a nap.



Yah but. . . . .


I was soooo hoping to have a good day of school! You know, actually do a hands-on project and everything? ;)


And I'm supposed to play in an orchestra rehearsal tonight, but dh isn't home, so now I'm wondering if the little coughers will be allowed in with the other children or not.

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