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Anyone want to read and discuss Gallagher/Kittle's 180 Days?

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I had tried to read this a year ago and it wasn't timely. Now it's really resonating with me, lots of great stuff to debate and think through how to apply!

8 habits of the mind--curiosity, openness, engagement, creativity, persistence, responsibility, flexibility, metacognition

That list alone halted me in my tracks, because it's stuff we were sorta thinking about but maybe not so clearly. Made me wonder if we should focus on 2 a year or do them all scattered at once and what would be more effective.

Then they go into their foundational beliefs about education. I just started working through the first three:

-Each year is a living mosaic.

-There is beauty in our content.

-The power of models.

And they also stick in some great quotes about working to strengths.

So I'm excited to keep reading because there's so much there to unpack. For instance, with the idea of models they are leading into the idea that writing and reading have application to our kids, are things they will want to do. But DO writing and reading have utility for my ds? I confess I can't think of a single reason why he would want now to write something nor would ever want to. I clearly need to think harder, because that may be part of why we're making slow progress, lol.

And the idea of the beauty and greatness of our challenge, what an important topic! I think it's what I was intuitively sensing missing from our approach right now, an interaction with IDEAS. It's so easy to get caught up in INTERVENTION that we're not working in the realm of ideas and big ideas and thoughts and why. 

And of course what a fabulous topic to see them talking about the way the year evolves with your specific student and that it's right to roll with the students and what they need. This has definitely been a year of rolling, lol.

So anyways, https://www.amazon.com/180-DAYS-Teachers-Empower-Adolescents/dp/0325081131/ref=sr_1_1?crid=4WT61IK7IKS1&dchild=1&keywords=180+days+gallagher+kittle&qid=1617111743&sprefix=180+days+gall%2Caps%2C198&sr=8-1  Here's the book. If you can snag a copy through the library or whatever, we can read and discuss together. 

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