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seeking words of wisdom... (LONG)

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...on having a house full of more than one of these wonderful but exhausting kiddos.


my eldest is 5yo and we have been actively homeschooling for awhile already now at her insistance. she's one of those kids who demanded to learn her ABC/123s at age 2 and wouldn't take no for an answer. so we plunged in and i am trying to keep up as best i can, meeting her need for constant exploration and learning. i feel like i have indeed hit my stride with her at this point. we have a good system worked out of give and take. she and i have agreed on a general program of study (based on WTM of course) that she is happy with and occassionally adds to or takes away from. i have gotten use to scrambling for good quality, yet affordable resources when a new educational obsession pops up (right now that is ancient languages, specifically Arabic and Hebrew.) i feel like, up to this point, i had a pretty good handle on meeting her needs and keeping her younger twin siblings fed, clothed, clean and mostly entertained.


but recently, the twins (who are 2.5yo and speak in paragraphs chock full of complex sentences already) have begun to demand i start actively teaching them things too. my DS spent over an hour yesterday quizzing me about the magnetic letters on the fridge. he wanted the name and sound of the letter. they are both teaching themselves sign language, have begun to pick up some Arabic from their big sister and can tell you highlights of The Odyssey since they listen in on read aloud time with my DD1.


i guess i am freaking out a little. it takes so much time and effort to give my 5yo what she wants and needs academically/mentally that i am overwhelmed at the thought of providing that same level of material, activities, and stimulation to three gifted/accelerated kiddos at the same time! don't get me wrong, we're a homeschooling or bust kind of family. i am about 1000% sure that PS is waaaay not the place for these crazy kiddos. but can any BTDT moms reassure me that this is, in fact, doable? maybe offer some tips or coping strategies or i don't know, anything to help me feel like i can in fact HS three gifted kiddos with distinct learning styles (pretty sure DS is a V-S learner) without losing my mind! TIA!

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First, let me just say, breathe! It's going to be okay. It may seem overwhelming now but it does get easier.

My Huck was reading by 2 and doing complex math by 5. He's one of those kids who demands every second of your time.

Tom came along and rocked our world! He is as hungry for knowledge as his brother is but his giftedness is much more subtle.

Here's what I did to cope. I tried to get Tom involved in lessons as much as possible. He sat at the table with playdough or manipulatives as his attention would allow. I enlisted Huck's help in teaching Tom. He sat and read to him or named all the animals in a book or worked with counting and abc's. It helped him connect with his brother and allowed me to get stuff done. It also taught him patience and compassion.

I took (and still take) one day at a time. Some days are exhausting but I agree that PS is no place for my little ones.

I hope I've given you an idea or two that will help. Hang in there!

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It's very tiring... and to one extent or another many of us have (or are) in the same boat.


I second what Kalah said about including your twins in as much as you do with your 5yo. And would add some things which have helped ME out... Leapfrog videos (which teach letters & sounds), inexpensive pre-school workbooks, plenty of paper for drawing (my children don't really color in coloring books, but they love to draw). My 2.5yo loves to read simple picture books (well, she says she's reading them anyhow :D), books on tape, even discovery channel type DVDs have all been huge hits with my children.


We can't do it all 100% of the time, and finding activities they can manage themselves is just as important for you, as it is for them.


It will be okay -- just take one day at a time.

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