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just curious....how long....covid thread


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I know this is different for every single person, but I am curious about something. 

If you were exposed to COVID and you later got sick....how many days later?

AND when you did get sick...did you run a fever?  

Unless you want to share more....you don't need to share your whole story....I am just gathering those 2 small pieces of information.  THANKS!

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We think one of my kids had COVID earlier this year, but our state was not testing anyone who was not super high risk.
No clue how long after she was exposed she got sick. No idea where she picked it up from.
If she had a fever, it was very slight and probably days 7-10 of her sickness (15 days total). 

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The main reason I am asking is this:  I know people who were exposed and 10 days later they got sick....I know others others its just a day or 2....but I am just so confused as to just contagious this virus is...I mean, it seems like so many people I know are quarantined with sick family members and never get sick...and then there are those that are exposed at by a less intimate interaction and got sick within a couple days.  So I was just curious what others are experiencing. 

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When our contact tracing called me a few days ago to tell me I have five known exposures(I already knew), the tracer told me that they’re seeing a lot of people getting sick 12-14 days after exposure with no symptoms prior to that.  I was already at day 12 from exposure by the time they called, and I’m still waiting for my test results.  If that’s positive, my very mild symptoms started day 6 after exposure, went away on day 8 and I was asymptomatic, and then I developed more serious symptoms on day 14.

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25 minutes ago, kfeusse said:

The main reason I am asking is this:  I know people who were exposed and 10 days later they got sick....I know others others its just a day or 2....but I am just so confused as to just contagious this virus is...I mean, it seems like so many people I know are quarantined with sick family members and never get sick...and then there are those that are exposed at by a less intimate interaction and got sick within a couple days.  So I was just curious what others are experiencing. 

So far only one of the 7 positive people at work have spouses or family members that have tested positive.  I am pretty sure that no one is separating either, because by the time you get sick, realize you’re sick and test, and then get the positive the exposure has already happened.

However, everyone seems to only have very mild cases with symptoms lasting 48-72 hours at most, so maybe they have a lower viral load and aren’t shedding much.

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I don't think you always know where you were exposed.  Was it at the grocery store? Was it from your college kid who came home for supper one night but they never experienced any symptoms so they never knew they had it? Was it from the next door neighbor you talked to outside for 20 minutes but he developed symptoms eight days later? Was it from some frozen grocery item you brought in the house and forgot to wash your hands afterwards?  I think it's just really hard to figure out exactly where you got it - at least in many cases. 

I've read the range of developing symptoms ranges from 2-14 after exposure. 

I did not get sick (or at least to my knowledge, no symptoms) taking care of my sick one. But we isolated her in one part of the house as soon as she developed symptoms (just in case), food was given on disposal plates/bowls/utensils, wiped down commonly touched surfaces in the rest of the house just in case I was contaminated (although I did dry my hands out with so much handwashing!) Of course, this isn't possible in everyone's situation. 

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