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Easy, open and go, middle school unit study that can be finished by Christmas?

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I am looking for something open and go that I can do with my 5th and 8th grader.  I care less about the content, than about the structure.  I'd love something that lends itself to reading aloud, with some discussion questions to organize our thinking.  It can be something written for that purpose (e.g. we loved the Further Up Further In Narnia study) or something written to be done in writing, where we just dictate and co-create.  But I want something where I pick up a book, and the next thing is clear.

I don't really care about the topic. Literature, or history, or social studies.  We did a whole lot of ancient/medieval stuff, and I think we're going to do early US history in January, so not those, but beyond that I don't care.  

Does this exist?


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