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Edible things that nobody knows about


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11 minutes ago, Dreamergal said:

This is the way we cook brains. DH is not keen on it but will eat it when cooked, so we make it regularly when the inlaws or my parents visit. Kids have grown up eating it so know no better. I always say don't fry my Bheja to my kids when they get a bit loud so they know what I actually mean. 🤣. They taste a bit like creamy scrambled eggs.



Recipe for Paya.

You can ask for the skin to be taken out. My Halal store guy sells it that way. But some people prefer it with the skin attached or is it hoof ? That black part.

This is Boti Curry. I am not exactly sure what it is, more lungs, intestines and other offal. Not liver though.

We also used to eat goat head. Even now it is popular. 

I'm sure that "fried brains" could provoke endless mirth. I watched the Bheja fry video and must admit that I wasn't dying to try some. I suppose I would, but...

The Paya on the other hand rocks my world. I need to make myself some of that. Yum.

Did you know it is illegal to sell lung in the USA? I scored some once for my dog. The specialty butcher I use gave me some (upon request). The weird thing is I got both lungs still attached to a massive windpipe. Took some butchering skills to break it all down. The very weird texture of lungs (marshmello-memory foam?) made me glad the dog was going to eat it and not me. LOL.

Goat head on the other hand sounds delish.

BTW Inspired by one of Jean's threads the other day I made a last minute decision to make a quick curry for dinner. I'd just used up my curry powder and had to quickly roast and pound a mix at the last moment. As I did so, I thought "Dreamergal's grandmother would be proud." I really did. 





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2 hours ago, Dreamergal said:

Hmmm...selling by itself or as part of something ? I am sure boti has some lung in it though it all comes as a mass and I am not sure. Make friends with a Halal butcher if you want weird parts. Ours always gets excited when the parents come to visit because he gets to sell all kinds of stuff. We had to order goat's head separately. I think I've actually eaten more offal and unknown parts of a goat I can identify. It is all under heavy masala and curry so unless you see it in it's raw form you were not quite sure what you ate as a kid. I was actually quite horrified to find out the things we ate but by that time grew to love the taste. 

This made me smile. Do you know there is a shortage of the Hing powder and you can get only the hing lump now ? At least in my Indian store so I am actually using a giant lump of hing now. I thought of you then.

The pandemic has made me appreciate my hing powder a lot more. Offal has also made me comeback in my home country because with the lockdowns and animals moving back and forth banned between states, meat prices have soared. So offal has become popular once more. 

I do believe that lung is illegal in the food chain. One of those rules that has no real justifications AFAIK.

Lungs are squishy. I'm adventurous, but...

I actually did try the halal butchers around here for "odd bits" for the dog, but--as it turns out--there is too much demand from their human clientele for offal, so the prices were dear. The lack of food aversions among South (and East) Asians is not in the interest of my furry friend (or my pocketbook). LOL.

I also found that I had a second bottle of ground hing tucked in the back of the cupboards, plus the resin lumps. So I'm close to having a lifetime supply of asafetida. 



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Nopales (prickly pear cactus leaves). Pretty good in breakfast tacos.

Rattlesnake, barbecued. 

Still traumatized from peering over the edge of the floor freezer case at the HEB right before Christmas some time in the '70s and seeing a pile of pigs' heads in clear plastic bags, tongues sticking out and all. No thank you, won't be eating those.

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