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History recommendations for 3rd/4th


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I’m interested in some history recommendations that aren’t SOTW. I’d like a Christian program, but one that stays true to history. Chronological would be great, as I’d like to do a chronological overview for the next few years then go back and cover specific topics/periods of time after that.

I’m teaching a 4th grader with a 2nd/3rd grader as well.


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Are you looking strictly for world history?  Or American history?  Have you considered a Child's History of the World?  I was homeschooled with Calvert back in the 1980s, and that was my first introduction to history, and I loved it.  It's not overtly Christian, but it's written from a cultural Christian perspective.  It was written in the 1950s so it's not politically correct at all and probably would definitely step on some toes in the current social justice climate with the use of some terms.  Or what about Veritas Press?  I personally am not thrilled with the idea of the centrality of a timeline, but maybe it works better than I think it does for elementary age.  It's definitely a Christian perspective.  Or if you wanted to do American history, I believe Memoria Press has a beginning American history book for 3rd grade.  My kiddos are just K and 1st, so I haven't actually had to make that decision yet, although I've done some thinking about it already, being a former history teacher.  Hope that at least gives you some direction????

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On 7/5/2020 at 3:32 PM, AngelaR said:

Are you looking strictly for world history?  Or American history?  Have you considered a Child's History of the World?  I was homeschooled with Calvert back in the 1980s, and that was my first introduction to history, and I loved it.  It's not overtly Christian, but it's written from a cultural Christian perspective.  It was written in the 1950s so it's not politically correct at all and probably would definitely step on some toes in the current social justice climate with the use of some terms.  Or what about Veritas Press?  I personally am not thrilled with the idea of the centrality of a timeline, but maybe it works better than I think it does for elementary age.  It's definitely a Christian perspective.  Or if you wanted to do American history, I believe Memoria Press has a beginning American history book for 3rd grade.  My kiddos are just K and 1st, so I haven't actually had to make that decision yet, although I've done some thinking about it already, being a former history teacher.  Hope that at least gives you some direction????


I was planning to do chronological history, so starting with Ancients and working our way through. We’ve been doing SOTW 1, but I just really want something that ties the Biblical history in. I am just not good at weaving all that together.

I LOVE the Veritas cards for sure, and we have those, but I haven’t ever used JUST Veritas.

I actually ordered Mystery of History. I looked back at some old threads and looked at the samples and I’m just gonna see what I think of it. With things the way they are, and not really being able to get to the library, I’d have to buy a ton of books to use with Veritas, and I don’t really think I’m up to that. Honestly though, I may pick up the worksheets to go with the first set of cards. I need to revisit their site.

How much overkill would it be to do MOH along with Veritas cards? I guess I need to evaluate once my MOH arrives.

Edited by StaceyinLA
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