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Editor and Chief and Reading Detective questions


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I can't compare the two programs for you; I can't even compare the print and CD versions of Reading Detective. (Helpful, aren't I? ;) )


I do have RD, though, in print form. I would not move to a computerized format because I know how much we mark up the book. This is a weak area for two of my kiddos, and I have them circling words, underlining sentences, etc. all of the time. Plus, I really like doing it with them so we can talk about why certain answers are correct. It would not be as easy to do this in front of a computer. (We prefer snuggled on the couch with cat, pencils, and perhaps tea.)

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I haven't ever used Reading Detective, but we use both Science and Math Detective, and Editor in Chief. I really like these. We use the books - I much prefer to use books, but I'm just not crazy about a ton of screen time, and I've got three kids who would all need to use it.


We started EIC partway through 3rd with Beginning, which walks you through a bit more, giving you only one type of error to correct at a time, and starts with multiple choice, before by the end of the book giving you mixed corrections that have to be found by yourself (it does tell you how many errors, but not where or what kind). A1 and above are all mixed corrections.


My kids are now in 5th, and we're just finishing up A1 and starting A2. We do a page a week, which gets us through about a book a year.


I really, really like the Detective series too.

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