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Switching to Singapore Math - Looking for Advice


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I have used RightStart A, B, and C and plan on switching to Singapore 3A next year.  It's a combination of many things but ultimately I felt we needed a change.  Any advice from those of you who use Singapore as your main math program?  Any manipulatives you suggest I purchase?  Do I need the Extra Practice Workbooks or are the regular workbooks enough?  Any advice would be greatly appreciated!  Should I expect to spend extra time each day prepping?  I see the HIG has lots of prepping instructions and was wondering if these are necessary or more for extra help for certain topics that are hard for the child.  Thank you in advance!

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Hi there, it's been years since I used Singapore math (my kids who used it are in their 20's now), but we switched over at that same level.  I really liked it, and my kids did too.  We had the main text which had some math problems for them to do, plus their main workbook.  We also used an extra workbook on top of that at some point -- I can't remember what it was, but possibly story problems only?  And I think we didn't add that "extra" workbook until I worked with only the text and main workbook for a semester to decide what else I wanted.  We didn't necessarily do all the problems.  Maybe all the odd numbers, or the odd numbers in one and as needed in the other(s).

I think there are a lot more supplements now, if I remember correctly.  I'm sorry I can't give a lot of information, as I'm sure everything has changed a lot.  But my kids who before then didn't really care for math, liked the way Singapore math was explained.  We got the non-US version so that they could learn the metric system.  We did need to allow a little extra time at first because it teaches differently... you'll see.  But once you get that down, it didn't take any longer than the other math programs we used.  At that age, I didn't feel that I needed a load of prep.  In fact, it was pretty simple to understand their explanations in the student texts at that level.    (Sorry, I can't remember if I had a teacher's edition or answer key or what ...  I felt like I had a minimal amount and eased into it fine that way.  You kind of learn what else you might need after you work with it a bit.)


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