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Another year of Mystery Science?


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I just renewed Mystery Science for a year only to sit back and realize that maybe I should not have done this. Older (middle) child has already gone through all the mysteries. I figured I would start working through the mysteries with younger children. We just love the program. But fact is, we might get more out of it if we took a break for a while and maybe started it again after a year, or even six months. Now I am kind of kicking myself. I just now signed up for another year. Now I am thinking we should be stepping back and using it again in a year when they have more mysteries and when some things older child did early on might seem new again. Any opinions? How long did people use Mystery Science before moving on to something else? Even if you came back to it again later? We have already had it for a year and a half. (for the record, we love it. Our only issue is that older child doing it has done all the mysteries and younger children just have not gotten in to the swing of home schooling much yet so kind of guessing waiting a year might be a good idea). On the other hand, they do have a sale of $49 right now so might not hurt having it there. But I do have other science to do in the meantime that has been pushed aside because we have the Mystery Science subscription.

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My kids use Mystery Science independently. They have done/watched several multiple times. They even print out some of the activities and do them on their own. It is one of the websites I allow during their 30 minute "edutainment" screen time allowance. I considered not renewing either as we've had it for 2 years, but they still regularly go to it and really enjoy the new weekly mini-lessons. I tend towards unschooling science for the younger set anyways, and they do learn a lot and have a lot of retention from it. So if it's a resource they'll use, I say go for it, but maybe don't stress it and allow them to use it independently for now?

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