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Process Skills in problem solving + CWP which level


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Hi all DS just turned 8 this month and is in grade 2 . 

We follow MM Blue series. He has done Multiplication 1 and Division 1 . If I go by light blue , these chapters will be covered by grade 3 end. Then I picked up Introduction to Fractions ( ranges from grade 2 to grade4) . He will finish this by his grade 2 end. No problems.

I want to enhance his Problem solving skills specially word problems. I did some research on the forum and want to put him on combo of Process skills + CWP. Two questions

1) Going by his skills, I am assuming level 1 of these two books can be avoided? Those who have used these please suggest. I am thinking to start with level 2 of these both 

2) I heard these Singapore math solves problem using Bar methods . I never used bars in my life . worked on equations right from childhood through engineering. Want same for my son. Do you thnk these books can restrict his ability to work on equations going forward.



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For process skills, yes, I would start at book 2.  I don't think bar models will hinder equations.  MM starts bar models in level 5, iir, in the problem solving chapter, and transitioning to equations in MM7 has been smooth for us.  Also, after broad use in Singapore, I think you could look at their math scores in higher grades and say that it's at least not hurting anything.

I haven't used cwp, so no comment on that.

Process skills seems to be getting hard to come by.  I think it's being phased out.  A couple weeks ago I bought the rest of the grade levels that I will need to finish the series.  As of now Exodus Books still has all grade levels available.

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