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Anyone else with PS'ers that have NO assignments


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Ds' public school added two weeks to spring break. Then the announcement came from the state level that school is called off for the year. All the students are issued Chromebooks their freshman year that they keep until they graduate, so at least they are already used to working off them, and having assignments, etc., already handled that way. "Class" doesn't start back until Monday, so we will see how they do. So far, I have been pleased at how they have handled the non-academic side of things. They had a day for everybody to clean out their lockers and pick up anything at school, with strong directives that it was a "get in, get out" situation with no socializing to be done, and social distancing to take place. Then they had a day for anybody to turn in Chromebooks that weren't working right and replace them, or to pick up new battery packs or anything else that wasn't working anymore--where they had outside stations that kept everybody from having close contact. A couple of his teachers have been in contact already over what they plan to do. I'm not sure how they are handling the situations with no internet, but I know they were actively looking into it.

I don't know how they will handle the academics, grades, etc. I am not expecting it to be very high standard, but I'm a little glad about that, because of ds' learning disability, and that I don't think he will do real well with everything online. He does better with a lot of personal interaction with his teachers. Overall, I know that the academic standards are not near as high as my personal ones were, but they weren't working very well for him, either, or at least my style didn't. Personally, I would be thrilled to go back to homeschooling if he were receptive to me as a teacher. But he is not, and I am not going to go there without full buy-in from him. I will keep up with what he is doing online, but won't engage with him a lot about it other than to ask about an assignment occasionally. He doesn't want my help to the extreme, so I have learned that, in order to preserve the relationship, this is something I have to leave in his court. We'll see what happens.

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