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advice needed for a mom lacking in grammar and writing skills

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I enjoy reading this forum and much of the advice and recommendations I've read here have been a great help to me while on my homeschooling journey. While I have been quiet on this forum, I need to ask for some much needed advice from all of you awesome moms (or dads) out there.



My education while growing up wasn't all that great and I have very little college experience. Writing and grammar has always been a painstaking process for me to grasp--definitely my greatest weakness. My lack of education in this areas is beginning to put a strain on me while trying to educate my children, especially with my oldest who is now 11 years old. I realize that being able to communicate effectively is very important, and presently it is a priority of mine to master these skills. Can anyone suggest a resource or two that could help get me there?


Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your input.

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Great question. My oldest kids are now 14 & 15 and the thing that helped me the most was using curricula in which I learned along with them. More work for me, yes, but it paid off in that I could point things out and answer questions in informal "learning times".


IEW was really helpful for me, very concrete and it even has "teacher exercises" while you're watching the DVDs so you can practice. It really helped me to "get" writing, and explain things to my kids.


. Simply Grammar was another easy-to-use yet substantial book that taught me while I read it to them.


And the great thing, is that you're learning it in order to teach it to them... motivation to keep going.


BTW I thought your post was very well-written... perhaps you're being a little hard on yourself. On the other hand, self-improvement is always a good thing.

Edited by Jenn in CA
second thoughts
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I do have IEW, which I have my son use to help him complete writing assignments and research reports. Perhaps I should use it for myself as well. It’s hard to write well, or to adequately correct my son’s grammar usage when my usage is so terrible. So, I think I need to focus on grammar first. Another website that I like to visit from time-to-time, classical-homeschooling.org, has also recommended Simply Grammar. They recommend using it with the Book of Diagrams. I am glad to hear that Simply Grammar has been a great help to you. I will plan to go through these two resources along with my son. Thank you so much for your advice.

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I want to 2nd IEW- we have used it for years and are still learning and improving! For grammar I have used Our Mother Tongue. I have recently learned to diagram using the book- it is easy..and fun! Imagine that! I also think that it is very useful to memorize grammar terms. I'm using a Grammar lapbook in a co-op setting from HOAC (Grammar Detective) that is very thorough.

All the best! You can do it:001_smile: (though I agree that your writing seems just fine).

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If you want straight grammar and punctuation, Analytical Grammar is very good. It starts with identifying the parts of speech and diagramming, covers all the clauses (and diagramming and ends with punctuation. The punctation is last because the author believes that punctuation is easier to learn once you understand the basics.

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I think you write very well. However, I like the fact that you want to improve your knowledge of grammar and creative writing.


IEW is great for creative writing.


We also use Warriner's English Grammar and Composition (1977 copy). I love the way Mr. Warriner teaches diagramming. My husband learned Greek and Hebrew at Dallas Theological Seminary using lots of diagramming. Can you tell we are diagramming fans? :D

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Microsoft Word has a grammar check. It also lets you know the rule(s) that is/are being broken. If you want to work on your own grammar, to help your child, then I recommend MSWord. You can type out something you are having a problem with, then look it up, all in one program.


IMO, showing your child that you are not perfect, but willing to work towards perfection, is just as good as knowing everything. My kids know how to use reference books because I use them all the time. I may not have all the answers, or the best spelling or grammar, but I am willing to look it up.

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