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Language program...?


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Greetings everyone,


Pardon my loose end question. My dh has told me about a learning language program that can be used in very young children that focus on teaching whole words rather than letter. I am not particularly inclined to such methods, but I am willing to research and find out more about it. He says it is good to teach other languages. He saw it on tv and that's all he remembers.


Does anyone here know what he is talking about?


Thanks. Be well



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Hi Jesi, goo to hear from you. Well, my dh just remember the name of the program and it is called "Your baby can read" and it is a set of dvd to play daily. I am not sure about it at all, but figure I would ask the board to get some feedback and info on that. Actually it does not teach other languages, it just teach teh child to recognize words and then read. The program does not focus on teaching the letters and its sounds, it rather concentrates on whole words.


Anyway, if anyone knows or have used that before, can you provide me some feedback?


Thanks. Be well



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I haven't used it but I have done some research on it. Check out amazon and read the reviews there.


From what I gathered, it's basically flash card on TV (I think they also give you the actual flash card). They show an image like an apple in the video, then the word "apple" will appear. The constant drilling makes the baby remember the shape & sound of the word I guess.


To me it's not worth the time & money.

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Check out this thread and read the last few posts. Elizabeth linked to a post about a girl who lost the ability to read and decode because of these sight words. They will explain the sight reading method and why you do not want to do this. If you have you copy of WTM there is a small section in the part one Epilogue called "Whole Language or Phonics". Sit your dh down and tell him to read that.


It isn't worth your time or money and it could be very detrimental to your children's ability to read.


That was my very initial thought. However, I gave him the benefit of doubt. I am getting m copy of WTM out and getting him to read. I searched it and found online and honestly did not like one bit of it. I think it is geared towards people that want to make sure that their children is the first on everything without giving much thought if it will indeed benefit the child on the long run.


Thanks for your input. Well appreciated.


Be well and happy thanksgiving.



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You can teach a child fairly young the correct way--with phonics.


Leapfrog letter factory at age 2 for letter sounds and names.


You could start Webster's Syllabary at age 3 or 3 1/2 (start with 2 letters syllables, much easier for a small child to blend and work with than the 3 letter CVC words generally used with other phonics programs: ab, eb, ib, ob, ub; ba, be, bi, bo, bu, by.)


And then longer words and syllable divided words as they get a bit older.


I used all uppercase when my daughter was young, I later found that the only phonics program I've found for teaching a very young child to read also recommends using uppercase when they're young:


Sidney Ledson's "Teach Your Child to Read in Just Ten Minutes a Day," there are activities for children as young as 2.




I taught my daughter starting when she was 3 1/2 because she was starting to read words by sight when I was reading aloud to her, I've seen the results of reading by sight and didn't want that for her. My son is not starting to read words by sight, I'll wait until he's 4 or 5 to start with him, although he has learned his letter sounds and names and can spell a few simple words. My daughter has said she wants to help teach him to read when he's old enough! She taught him to count and taught him his colors.

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And then longer words and syllable divided words as they get a bit older.


I used all uppercase when my daughter was young, I later found that the only phonics program I've found for teaching a very young child to read also recommends using uppercase when they're young:


Sidney Ledson's "Teach Your Child to Read in Just Ten Minutes a Day," there are activities for children as young as 2.




Thank you for the heads up. I checked my local library and they only have the "Teach your child to read in 60 days". I will check out and see. I am not teaching my child English at this time. She does speak English, however Portuguese is my first language and since it is the minority language I chose to teach her Portuguese first. At least that's my plan... we shall see how it all goes.


Be well.



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