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Fitness trackers with music.


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DD13 wants a fitness tracker. I would love for it to have the  ability to have music downloaded to it. She wants it for school (she walks at school for therapy) and home. At school she doesn't have WiFi so she can't have it connect to her phone. They can't have phones out during most of the day (locked in a metal lock-box, so  the watch can't use the phones memory/connection to access music either.   I am trying to find one that you can download music to it. Does this exist? Another option would be adding a device to our cell phone plan, but we already have 7 devices and I don't want to add more. LOL $$$   Her wrist is the size of a mans (she is 5'10 and plus sized) so it doesn't have to have a small face to fit her wrist.

Thanks in advance!

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The Fitbit versa stores up to 300 songs. I thought it was too big for me, but I'm about 8" shorter than your DD. It does not require a phone to be connected for most features except for things like phone notifications and texts, so not being allowed to have her phone at school shouldn't matter.



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