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Writing Strands...does it cover structure?


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I'm having trouble sticking to a writing program. I love the concept of WS, but my concern is that it doesn't address structure compared to a program such as IEW. Maybe it does, in a more subtle way, and I'm just not getting it. :confused: We have worked through Level 5. With so many kids to teach, I'm looking for something that is thorough, homeschool friendly, and that teaches both creativity and structure. Should I stick to WS, or should I look elsewhere? We've done some IEW (history based lessons) but I'm not sure if I'm ready to spend the money on the complete curriculum. And again, I really like that WS is easy to implement. Any advice? Thanks!

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What do you mean by "structure"?:confused:

I guess I'm looking for specific instruction on how to write an essay (intro, conclusion, paragraph structure, transitions, etc)... It sounds like level 6 and 7 have what I'm looking for. We have only worked through level 5.


I guess the other thing I am wondering is if it thorough enough alone as a writing curriculum, or do I need to supplement? Do others supplement?

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