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AP Resources

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We ended up getting smashed into AP life after a couple of colleges reached out to our daughter (based off her PSAT) scores via pamplets, and said to "keep up the great work with her AP courses",  While our initial start with things was pretty rocky (to put it lightly), we are excited to make the most of it.  A little background story.  We called to set our kids up for AP testing at our local high school (the same one that administered her PSAT test), and were told the Friday before the tests were administered, that our school district won't allow them to test homeschooled children.  To make a long story short, we ended up finding a private school that would proctor late tests for both of our children in the 11th hour.  After finishing, both kiddos felt even more motivated to want to complete as many AP tests as possible, which has left me spending the summer researching resources for AP World History, Human Geography, Biology, Psychology and Environmental Science.  I think I've found some great text books, links from The College Board themselves and have begun to delve into the options from extremely generous teachers that post their resources online, but wanted to double check to see if anyone has recommendations that could make this even just a tad bit easier.  Not having answer keys to various things has been a kicker and I would love to know if anyone has resources they found to be extremely helpful in that regard.  And any advice from all of you veteran AP testing parents in greatly appreciated! ❤️

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Welcome to the WTM board!  

One thing you can do is to get registered as an official AP teacher.  It isn't as daunting as it sounds, and it unlocks a bunch of resources like old exams that the CB makes available to teachers.  You sign up with the College Board, and if you select one of their sample syllabi, then approval is automatic.  You can also submit a homegrown syllabus, but may need to wait a bit for approval.  I did this for several exams that my kids prepared for.  You can also join their online discussions for teachers which others have found useful, but I didn't take advantage of.  Good luck!  

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Another thing you can do is look back in the archives for a bunch of AP wisdom that has already been posted.  Note that registration deadlines may be earlier in 2019-20 than previous years, so you'll want to secure a testing location not long after school starts in the fall.  

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Thank you so much! I really appreciate any and all pointers you have! I was recently accepted into the AP Teacher Community for Psychology, World History, Environmental Science and Human Geography, and it has be AMAZING!!!! Having access to so many things has felt like Christmas in July 😁💕! I'm hoping to get the syllabus approved ASAP so I can join in a couple of Google Drive groups for resources that require formal AP approval.   AP Biology has not accepted any of my requests as of yet (on The College Board or FB), which is a bit ironic since we just found out our 8th grade son got a 4 on his AP Bio test.  Have you run into any issues with this?  I'm hoping that they're just taking a bit longer time with approving things, but it also occurred to me that they may be concerned about Biology being taught on a secular level within the homeschooling community (which I completely get).

Do you mind if I also ask, if you have any ideas for an additional individuals looking over your student's essay questions?  Do you have resources that have helped you with grading the strict essay formatting, or recommendations for individuals who might look over essays pertaining to subjects that may not be in your wheel house? Thank you for your response!  Means so much!!!

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