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Free online art/drawing/coloring class (xpost from other board)


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I posted this in the Chat forum and somebody told me I should have posted it in Education instead, so I posted it in General Education... and then somebody told me I should have posted it in K-8 instead, so here I am! I apologize in advance if you have already seen this information on the other boards — this is the last time I will post it; I promise! 🙂  

One of my online friends just started teaching on Skillshare, and she has a class called “Draw and Color Cute Teddy Bears” that she is offering for free to fellow homeschoolers, and she gave me a link to share in case anyone here is interested in taking her class. Here it is:

Draw and Color Cute Teddy Bears — Quick & Easy

I finished watching it last night, and I think it would be good for beginners and kids. I’m 55 and I still thought it was fun, but I’m always doodling, so I like this sort of thing.  The class is kind of long, but it’s broken up into short sections so you can watch the parts that interest you and skip the parts you don’t care about. She has sections on how to draw a bear and give it clothes or little accessories, and then color it with colored pencils, alcohol markers, watercolor markers, and watercolor paints, and also how to color and shade the bear with only a standard #2 pencil. It’s a cute class, and it also includes a free printable step-by-step worksheet and a free coloring page.

My friend won’t make any money from people who take her class for free (no credit card or payment required,) so hopefully I’m not breaking any rules by posting this. I’m just trying to help her get the word out about her class because I know she put a lot of time into creating it and I’d like to help her get more people to watch it. She plans to make more classes soon and I don’t want her to get discouraged. Apparently, it’s not easy for new teachers to get their classes noticed on Skillshare unless they already have a large social media following or some other audience that they can bring in on their own, and my friend doesn’t have either of those. 

Here is the link again:

Draw and Color Cute Teddy Bears -- Quick & Easy

My friend said that it’s ok to share the free class link if you know anyone else who might be interested.  Thank you to anyone who watches her class!

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