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Question about Tapestry of Grace, Is this in Units for Ancients


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Um, both kind of. It's kind of like 2 steps forward, one step back at times. If you look here you can see the order of Year 1. The Bible history is pretty much chronological, although the first 6 weeks are out of order. As far as history goes, when you look at where unit 3 ends and unit 4 begins you may notice that Alexander was in the 300's B.C., but Rome was founded in the 753 B.C. so it does back up a bit.

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Thanks, I saw the Table of Contents and I still couldn't figure it out. You're right it seems like both. I guess I was wondering if there was some method behind the maddness that I wasn't figuring out.


I would have preferred to have it set up like Biblioplan. But I guess I'll still buy it.


Thanks for the info,:)

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Thanks, I saw the Table of Contents and I still couldn't figure it out. You're right it seems like both. I guess I was wondering if there was some method behind the maddness that I wasn't figuring out.


I would have preferred to have it set up like Biblioplan. But I guess I'll still buy it.


Thanks for the info,:)


My SIL preferred chronological, so she just re-arranged the weeks.



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There is definitely a method to the madness. It is written in mini-units. The first 3 weeks is the time of Moses, (Egypt), setting the stage for the world that Moses, the writer of the Pentatuch lived in. Next there is a mini-unit on the Israelites, focusing on the first 5 books of the Bible and some of the Jewish holidays. Each nine week unit seems to be broken up in this way. So, while it does jump a little, there is a flow that makes sense. It is almost impossible not to jump around in time unless you want to only study one culture.

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